Jack River

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Everything posted by Jack River

  1. But where does the within end and the without begin? Where does everything end and everywhere begin?
  2. At least explore if anything has ever been found residing outside of I??
  3. Been a traveling for waves yet simultaneously never leaving HOME...quite convenient? How you been, dude?
  4. What never comes into being will not cease to be?
  5. But...How can that which KNOWS nothing but itself be selfless??
  6. If you are at a place in self exploration where you consider meditation an activity of mind then yes..it is normal, dude.
  7. How can something which never comes into being ever cease to be???
  8. ? you too, dude I know..I can't seem to get enough of MYSELF. I AM truly selfish?
  9. Where do I end and does this apparent dream begin?
  10. Yet.. There is no meta, there is no delusion, there is no inside or within. It's all part of the wonderful world of imagination.
  11. The delusion is thinking there is anyone/anything experienced other than YOURSELF?
  12. Simply be aware of that which is aware of such questions of how to be aware of awareness?
  13. Prayer is simply being YOURSELF KNOWINGLY. That’s it dude?
  14. How can one be out of sync with oneself ??
  15. The point is that there are a series of points, pick one, or don’t
  16. There is only YOU. This isn’t some nondual belief. It can be seen directly in your experience right now. You are literally what you see. The mind and it’s tendency to abstract is quite subtle.
  17. @Preetom an observation free of the limitation of the past...direct as can be
  18. I thank myself deeply for being on the fence and at odds with present day society. Being deeply troubled ever since I can remember, sort of a rebel, and not telling myself that that is wrong, is the best thing I ever did.