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About Martasekk

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  1. Thanks for helping I really appreciate it, wish you all the best
  2. So should I just try to focus on life itself, and not think about these metaphysical questions too much yet? Thanks for replying
  3. Hello, I have recently just got into spirituality and nonduality and it feels like total emotional roller coaster. I have just recently dropped the materialist outlook on life, partly because it didn't really feel right, but mostly because of Leo's video on brains. On an intellectual level I suspect that I'm something more than just this person, but for some reason when I read about no free will it makes me feel really miserable. Yesterday I felt really happy, active and really enjoyed everything around me but today I feel somehow drained and empty, yet in some sense I feel peace, and it goes like this for maybe a month. I know it's not really that bad and other people probably have worse problems, but I just needed to share this and hopefully get some advice on how to drop the seriousness and just enjoy living. I am also beginning to feel like there is no real freedom and everything is just determined and I am somehow trapped, which I hope is just false fear. Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a nice day