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  1. yo leo! just curious why you don't use social media as another marketing tool? twitter, instagram, fb, etc. do you think it's just a waste of time or a distraction? might be another good way to share your ideas. peace
  2. @Puppet Master You have no control over your fingers? Wtf? Lmao.
  3. @Tearos The mind/ego will search for anything to distract you from being present. How hard you want to push is up to you. I suggest taking is slowly, but practicing regularly. The most important thing is to breathe consciously.
  4. @Feel Good Teal Swan is another signpost, just like Leo. We must remember that the teachers we follow are humans, just like us. Teal Swan is not perfect, and neither is Leo. Leo didn't reach his 30-day meditation goal, he's said he still feels addicted to the internet, he's said he sometimes struggles with compassion because he wants to help others but can get frustrated with ignorance in the process. These teachers are learning, too, and in the process they are trying to share what they've learned. If we critically analyze anyone, we are sure to find flaws. Instead, it is more important to feel another being, and to clearly see what they are doing with their time and energy. Is Teal Swan perfect? No. Are all her videos perfect? No. Does she still struggle? Of course. But, her net contribution to humanity is far more positive than it is negative. She has helped many people, and many who feel negatively about her videos are merely projecting their negativity onto her. Sometimes she speaks in mythological metaphor, and sometimes she talks about wishy-washy new age topics as if they are brute facts; these are her beliefs and we should take them with a grain of salt. But, feel her energy instead of analyzing her: she is a positive force, and in a world filled with so much negativity, we ought to be appreciative of any positive force we come across. Cheers =] <3
  5. @Butters Most "types" of spirituality are distraction. Everything outside of you is a distraction from looking within. Be skeptical of everything. There is no need to dive deep into anything other than yourself. All of the answers are within. All of them. Of course, there are many signposts, "hints from god" if you will. Actualized.org is a signpost. But the true answers are within. Ultimately, all teachings are distractions also, even those about nonduality. It is very easy to confuse the concept and understanding of nonduality with nonduality itself. Nonduality is an untouchable, momentary beingness. As for the video you posted: Reality is mathematical; but, when it comes to discovering the deepest truth, the only math one must know is that nothing equals infinity and infinity equals nothing. There is no inherent significance in 1111. Our minds have an affinity for meaning, so if you by chance see the number 1111 a few times, and assume that there must be some meaning behind it, your mind will subconsciously start looking for that number combination, and thus will end up finding it more often. When I was at university, I looked at my phone at 12:34 three times in a row within 36 hours. Then, the next time it was 12:34, I was tripping on mushrooms, and at one point, when I looked at my phone, it was 12:34. Being in a "more mystical state than usual," I assumed it meant something. After that night, I started seeing the time 12:34 all the time. I didn't know what it meant, but it must have meant something!.....right? Now that I've matured, and realized what was actually happening, I still sometimes see 12:34, but I don't attribute any meaning to it, because I know there is none. Lastly, remember, our minds are designed to recognize patterns. That's what reality is: a pattern. That's why we recognize it. If it was utter chaos, we wouldn't recognize anything. For that reason, we are more likely to notice patterns such as 1111 and 1234 more often than chaotic combinations such as 3547 or 9762. Cheers!
  6. @Ingit @Viking There is nothing wrong with you. You are exactly as you are now. Manifest your own creation. When you hear the thought "There must be something wrong with me," instead of believing it, remember the conscious part of you that is in control of your mind, and use it to respond with: "No, there is nothing wrong with me. I am exactly as I am and need to be now." Let that response calm and console the agitated part of your mind. It will take some time, but not too much; and with time, eventually the agitated part with quiet down. The conscious part of you always has more power than the unconscious part, and the unconscious part (unconsciously) (hehe) knows this. Thus, the unconscious part of you will eventually listen and submit to your consciousness. As you begin to cultivate your consciousness, and use it to quiet down other agitations, your body will move away from the "stress" state and will begin to heal itself. Our bodies have a hard time healing themselves because they are often stressed, tense, on edge. It cannot heal in this state, which is why deep sleep is so important, when we let go of everything. However, when you are awake, you can still enter a similar healing state, but you must first use your conscious ability to ease your agitated mind. Goodluck my friend. <3
  7. @Viking Okay to socialize with older folk. They might have valuable wisdom. Though, beware: if they have been living in delusion, then they have been living in delusion longer, so they will be more stubborn to defend it. And they've had more time to practice persuading and charismatizing their delusion, so they'll be more "convincing." Socializing with peers is important too, though. I highly recommend travel. Almost at any cost. Travel is extremely important for self-actualization, at least in the beginning stages. The more you travel, the more you will realize you don't need to travel; but you must first travel to learn this. Travel and life experience are perhaps more important than reflection, meditation, and contemplation at the early stages of self-development.
  8. @Viking Don't spend too much time contemplating survival. It's not as important as you think. Contemplation of death is in fact a better use of your time.
  9. The blind man asks... how is the elephant? :P
  10. @Viking You don't need to determine a life purpose anytime soon (or anytime at all for that matter), but exploring the idea will still help you learn about yourself. Don't spend too much time theorizing and conceptualizing though; it sounds like you would benefit from exploring social dynamics. I recommend balancing your time: socialize and hang out sometimes, rest alone and reflect other times. Balance. The LP Course is merely a tool to help you reflect. There is no need to complete it and there is no need not to.