Big Guru Balls

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Everything posted by Big Guru Balls

  1. Which means? There is a knowing or awareness, that is aware, that "I AM" and/or "I Exist". Do you have to think "I exist",to know that "you are" or "you exist" or is it obvious?
  2. Or grab yourself a spacesuit and jump from the stratosphere. Better view.
  3. If you are aware of thought and interaction, does that not mean that consciousness or awareness is prior to thought and interaction?
  4. My Big Balls are such that if I were to have a vasectomy the Earth's gravitational pull would destabilize and cause a tilt of the planet's axis of rotation,causing an unfathomable catastrophe unlike anything the human race has ever witnessed. Not to brag,but my Big Balls are quite a unique thing to be-held ... I mean, behold.
  5. Look into Kriya Spinal Breathing as an adjunct before meditation. You'll start seeing "results" within a week or two. I use this method, ,and it works very well in my experience. It cuts out out all the unnecessary shit you don't need,which is why it begins to work quickly. You may want to look into the Deep Meditation technique also. I've practiced different variations of meditation over the years and this one works as well or better than all the others I've tried. And the guy who wrote the books and owns the website knows his shit. He's been in the game since the 70's and been through it all. His book on self inquiry should be read by anyone trying to do self inquiry and not getting anywhere. There's a reason why they're not getting anywhere,and he points to the reasons why. He's as good as,or better in some instances as any bonafide,legit guru out there. I would even stake my Big Balls on it. Here's the basics of the Spinal breathing and meditation tech., if you want to check it out.
  6. @soul: "awareness is a field of hemp mingling with a rainbow pallet of wildflowers."
  7. Enlightenment leads one to be extraordinary. That is, one becomes extra ordinary. More ordinary than ordinary. Simple.
  8. The wise/enlightened say, to be born a human is the greatest thing, because only a human being is capable of realizing their own connection to the source of creation. To realize that what I am and the source are One.
  9. @who chit: Upadesa Saram Verse 9: Bhavana balat : based upon the strenghth of thought [ie, i am he] sad bhava sustitih: (the meditator gains) firm abidance in the Self. Bhava sunya : independent of thoughts Bhaktir uttamam: This is supreme devotion. “By the power of meditation, devoid of thoughts one is established in true being, and this is supreme devotion.” Translation: The only way to experience the Self is by being it. Literally we cannot experience Self, there is only experiencing. Being as we are is the only means by which we can experience the absolute reality “as it is”.
  10. I think I know what happened to Johnny Utah. He liked to party every now and then, and ended up taking a red looking pill offered to him by some shady dude in a trench coat,thinking it was ecstacy. Was never heard from again.
  11. I downloaded this a while back from another channel,but it got erased by YT or the owner. So,i'm putting it back up on my temporary channel. If you like it,(it's really good imo),download it while you can for future reference. They will most likely take it down again.
  12. Damnit. I always miss the good shit. Thanks for the cliffs.
  13. You're one of the lucky ones. Thanks for taking the time and the inspiring effort to share what you've learned. I personally enjoy the insight and perspective you bring to the forum. Helps see thought/ego in a different light.
  14. Understanding can then take place.
  15. Then you understand,that you don't understand. Which means you understand.
  16. Trying to understand why one doesn't understand is something that can't be understood. In not trying to understand why one doesn't understand,there is understanding. Understand?
  17. It is interesting if you have an idea of what's going. I can see how the laymen or "newb" would see it in a w.t.f?. is this, kind of way.
  18. Fornication is always interesting.
  19. It's simple. Thought fornicates with itself to keep itself alive.
  20. Me too. Did someone take a Chit,loll?