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Everything posted by DrewNows

  1. I wouldn’t say I put myself above the human experience, however, I often prefer to get a birds eye view and step outside the universal flow of things when it’s necessary, my body doesn’t always appreciate this, there’s a need to integrate and sync the energies within to produce a fully actualized hue man cell, the linking of energies is how the collective drags itself up the spiral, it’s just easy to get caught in the fear based reliance on safety distraction comparison and comfort. I’m so good that I’m so bad, detached into spirit form, happy Leo season
  2. This is a very fascinating subject, personally I know myself and others who both experience and have experienced walk ins, it’s a new perspective viewing the world and exploring through the unseen as we start to embody more spirit within, it’s a bit challenging and sometimes quite confusing especially to those who cannot relate. Perhaps this will plant some seeds for those exploring the energy shifts and give clarity to those who find their relationships with themselves and those around them drastically changing and transforming. May your ascension journeys and spiritual transformations go as smoothly as can be
  3. May we all enjoy the exploration of deeper/more expanded experiences of interconnected soul self
  4. @Hulk idk if you’re pretending to be Juan but I love the channel “that was epic”, I recognize and respect the personal growth and work ethic you put into the channel, I lived in Phoenix for a while, love all the pranksters there. There’s a game for kids in soccer, head it or catch it, where you have to do the opposite before the ball is tossed to you and it’s a good system breaker
  5. We forget we aren’t simply this physical vessel, there’s energies that need to be integrated, so simply connecting, vulnerably, not even with a physical act, can allow for the needed soul union within an energy dynamic. Energetic platonic connection between two spirits will no doubt form this union between fragments of soul self
  6. Look into your own judgement, stop ignoring the shadow, if you are so keen on chalking it up as stupidity, look at yourself in the mirror. Bigger pictures reveal the trends, the partial truths, and the big shabang, mass dna upgrade and shifts in consciousness Stop the ignorance, lighten up and find your personal truth by exploring your fear, heal thy self, it’s time to embody more light by releasing outdated patterns of human creed
  7. Max represents something very significant in your life, it may seem obvious but on a deep level, it’s your divine will, your essence, to be who you truly are, and to be appreciated for exactly that can a dog be a catalyst for spiritual transformation, why not? There will not always be closure in the way you think, choose gratitude I met a dog yesterday named Merlin and he’d been rescued from a prison, suffered from abuse and neglect, he’s triggered by most strangers especially those with more chaotic energy. The owner is on a journey (road tripping to Alaska apparently) with a dog teaching her how to create a new healthy sense of self with boundaries, pure expression/self worth. Coming face to face with bypassed fear/insecurity and trauma. No longer can she seek externally for what has been and felt lost from within, a beautiful transformation awaits, the journey ever deeper HOME The dog Merlin is a good representation of how I’ve been feeling for a while now, trapped, unappreciated, untrusting and undervalued by those who I thought loved me the most. Desperately my mind tried to fix and mend things externally, to help others and give give give, while struggling to fight and work with the energies that continued to suppress me, to keep ME hidden. A calling for big change, an acceptance to forgive and let go of people, situations and beliefs no longer in alignment, and allow new energies that will support and feed my soul growth and expression. It’s scary as fuck and requires radical faith in the unseen, to embody more truth, love and greater potential/opportunity/willingness to share myself with the world even if it doesn’t seem societally acceptable. I don’t have to share everything with everyone, I respect others (their journey and uniqueness) but will not play a role or watered down version of myself to please their world view. I am a limitless being
  8. The connection with nature is a spiritual gift, it’s one of mine as a healer, crows and birds love to support my endeavors, generally chirping/cawing clarity attention or reassurance the spirit teams use them to connect
  9. Here too, sometimes there’s more people wearing masks but it’s so nice to not wear one ever. Tried to get the vaccine, they rejected me, said I needed a mask, so I don’t worry about it. (Jokes) I didn’t get the jab (vaccine), it seems unsanitary, and like here get sick so you don’t have to worry about being/causing sickness later on I see it as (best case scenario) a psychedelic (tool) to experience an awakening, which if I may add, has its potential risks I’m hyper sensitive to energy so usually fear actually has a certain stench, this is how/where sickness manifests. So when I’m feeling sick, I’ll isolate, respect the boundaries of others and myself, meditate and hydrate to restore energy/vitality
  10. There’s a lot of talk about the inner child work and healing, sometimes people can learn to heal from actual children, other times it’s not possible or necessary. It’s hard growing up too fast because of a broken family then forced to run the hamster wheel until retirement. Children brighten the day, get people back in touch with their inner kitty, and best of all, learn unconditional love. Society/culture of course creates a system for control it’s all natural and part of the process. It will keep changing Everything is written in the stars before birth anyhow, natural desires and fears and situations unfold to harbor the human experience.
  11. I prefer telepathy, higher dimensional communication...only it shouldn’t be used with just anyone; there’s something about the energy behind words that’s also exciting Light language is fun too because it takes out the systems and it’s quite a powerful healing modality for the strong empaths
  12. The masculine approach: taking a stand against what no longer serves the feminine approach: creating an environment friendly and ideal for healing/transformation to take place the question is: who’s actually seeking to evolve their patterns/truth? It’s futile to change another’s beliefs, however, to plant seeds is a step in the right direction Speculation is a form of ignorance, an imbalance in ones receptivity to challenging beliefs and or forms of truth
  13. @mandyjw at least it would be natural... likewise it took me time to understand why people would get it, once i opened up to that potential truth, it showed itself. Basically it can help/assist in the transformation of light/cell expression (dna structure), even though it may evoke fear or discordant energies to arise to the surface. These have the potential to overpower the individual, keeping them bound to separation/division till death. We are one with all, on a journey into the light of pure serenity It's still deemed unnecessary in my less is more mentality toward health/vitality
  14. I will always support those who’s reasoning for getting the vaccine are unexplainable, likewise, to those who don’t get the vaccine for reasons intuitively felt, not bread from fear, obligation or heard mentality. Typically it seems these people don’t even bother sharing whether they do or don’t live n learn with independent thinking, radical self acceptance, and digging deep for personal truth how we’d like to pretend there aren’t levels to decision making, or levels to healing (vitality), of course on one level there isn’t (in that case why act at all) maybe I should trust Walmart...as a reason to get mine ? how does the saying go? What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger...strong belief I suppose naturally if there’s an allowance of such, cancer,viruses, indoctrination....pshhh “it ain’t no thang!” (Is it necessary, what’s your assumptions and truth? What’s even natural?) @mandyjw you gonna try mushrooms next @Shin go back to the drawing board, remember you’re creating your own reality, it’s not a joking matter, You deserve respect (wholeheartedly) If you feel bad or offended, it’s not really in my power, I’ll speak my truth and simultaneously know that for some it’s helpful/necessary to vax up (for whatever reason), releasing judgment for love and compassion
  15. @Forestluv @Carl-Richard Yup classic fear mongering throwing a ban hammer
  16. It's more important to consider why we eat rather than what we eat. To make some big lifestyle changes that shift the focus, attitude and mindset, as well as practicing intermittent fasting, deep breathing (breathwork and energy work). The most efficient successful people i've noticed will eat 1 or 2 times a day and keep a good balance in other areas, including meditation or some sort of flow practices. Turn focus onto what areas of life need some improvement and realize food overconsumption is most often just a byproduct of resistance to changes that improve quality of life in certain areas
  17. the physical vessel is changing and evolving, learning how to trust it will take faith beyond the current systems of acceptable science/health. These too seem to be rapidly evolving. The spiritual/metaphysical/innate will become much more imperative, as we are spirits/souls/source/what lies beyond the physical, foremost utilizing these vessels to the best of our abilities. Energy releasing and patience/trust in change is vital for the next level of human evolution. It's time to take responsibility for all our manifestations, that includes viruses, germs/bad bacteria, and not to be driven into survival/fear mode simply to "solve" the outdated/perpetuated loop belief systems of separated health science. May i remind you, we are co-creators, multidimensional beings of light on a spiraling journey into the embodiment of pure source (in the physical), enlightenment, here to experience the highest vibes in our current energy signature, which we have chosen before this incarnation. It is our purpose to discover what it will take to be fulfilled as a contributory of pure unconditional love and to always be open for new signs/insights of evolutionary soul change.
  18. @Mannyb TERRAIN VS GERM THEORY is basically the yin and yang perspectives two sides of the same coin; (inner vs outer focus) health itself is quite dynamic and multilayered. Does one need to get a vaccine to prevent getting covid? Naa, it's like taking psychedelic's rather than deep states of meditation (for most). Could there be potential side-effects and repercussions to getting the vaccine? Individualized, time will tell. Become your very own time keeper and be immune to the upcoming ascension symptoms. There's another aspect to health that's not measurable, and it's of our own unconscious doing, unless it becomes conscious and one steps off the wheel of karma. This is where energy cultivation comes in hand. It is quite obvious the frequency is raising, everyone is being impacted, diets are changing, the body is better assimilating and metabolizing food, and unaligned thought/emotion/havit is the primary cause of indegestion. We must take responsibility for our health, take power/energy back; personally i won't be getting this vaccine but i understand those who feel the need. The benefits of fasting, deep breathing, aligning one's energy signature with that of nature, and keeping vibration up is going to be vital for the shift into the 5th dimension
  19. Soonhei was and will always be an angel, sending love and light to all those who had the privilege to exchange with him. Please know it had no part in his choice to end his life. His purpose and experience here had long been written, why else could he have been so god damn loving? Keep this in mind all you lovers out there, he is with you in spirit, any and every one of you he touched, is now carrying his creative loving nature. Use it for the betterment of yourself, he surely would be proud everyone who felt a deep connection with him, know it’s because you are worthy, you are enough and the divine is with you, tune in and pay him and your soul essence a visit every once in a while, I assure you it will lead to a more peaceful loving life XP GOD BLESS