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Everything posted by Emiliano

  1. I'll lease properties on the metaverse ?
  2. Eckhart Tolle or Rupert Spira? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? Cats or Dogs? Ass or Boobs?
  3. @Rodrigo PF @Darvid Hey guys. Im from Mexico City too. We should get together some day to share some juicy insights lol. I dont know about you but It´s quite hard to find people interested in these topics here in Mexico. I consider myself late orange/early green but Im as curious as you are in reaching higher levels of understanding. Keep in touch.
  4. "Have you ever applied skepticism to your own skepticism?"
  5. After having a big failure in my life 3 years ago, I started questioning about free will. I ran into Leo´s video about free will and it was quite liberating.
  6. Would you feel something if someone even closer to you passed away? Like your mom or dad?
  7. "Jesus Christ was the first republican" -Random stranger on facebook lol
  8. Leo should talk about all the ego mechanisms that support a conspiracy theory. With all this COVID19 issue, I have seen some posts getting locked down because this forum rejects that type of thinking, I wish Leo could make conspiracy theorists change their mind. Thanks.
  9. The values of the wealthy need to change radically. The only thing I can come up with is to educate people (especially those at the very top) to embrace a modest lifestyle. "Less must be the new more."
  10. I would like to read your thoughts on this issue guys.
  11. I have seen that many misunderstandings or differences can be solved through humor. Why does the universe have this quality?
  12. Nah Many of his videos have this us vs them mentality.He's green I believe.
  13. What in my life is not about survival? Maybe nothing. But I can guess of what it is. It's basically giving without expecting anything in return (Money, sex, recognition,fame,etc). It's an act of pure love.
  14. Do not look forward to getting a diploma. Enjoy every class you take. Hang out with A+ students.
  15. 737 MAX and Stage Orange I just wanted to share this as an example of the atrocities created by stage orange. Boeing wants to patch the problem with a correction on the airplane's software but we all know that problem lies in the whole "winner takes all" mentality. https://www.vox.com/business-and-finance/2019/3/29/18281270/737-max-faa-scandal-explained?fbclid=IwAR2yGxL94C6RaFwRU2Bgwd_yoqcrxZ2BSpi9Ws-9dQG85VLW0X-MgaB49q8
  16. This one actually helps you see your avatar from a cosmic perspective.
  17. Is there a way to have more certainty on what supplement can work best for you? I have tried fish oil and sulbutiamine and the effect was not perceptible. I dont wanna be wasting money ?
  18. 33..same as Leo I guess