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Everything posted by TheAvatarState

  1. This made my morning, thank you
  2. Write down a couple of dualities that you'd like to think about and deconstruct during the trip (from Leo's latest 3-part series). In my opinion, the best intention is complete surrender and no expectations. Remember you can do your meditation and contemplation with music on (no words, try classical like Beethoven or Rachmaninoff)... Good luck! I know you'll have a good trip
  3. My recommendation is to Listen to the guided meditations sober, and be with yourself and take it easy while tripping. Music, mediation, and contemplation are much more profound and spiritual while tripping.
  4. It defines your relationship to the world, so everything. Contemplate it!
  5. Yes, very tricky. Like trying to navigate a minefield haha. You step in the wrong place, shit blows up and it's now YOUR fault for the personal attack. The Blue person isn't conscious their own psyche is the minefield, or that they laid all the bombs. You have to lead by example (showing unconditional love, not by trying to change people), and through that inspiration, they must find their own path. They will only try to accept things when they come to you. One of the biggest realizations you can have is when you fully understand you can't change the world in a positive way by directing energy at it, but only by directing energy inwards to become your greatest version. A lot easier said than done...
  6. This is a big shadow issue, you are repressing and denying yourself. You probably did want to have sex with your sister, everyone who has a sister thinks or fantasizes about it at least sometime. I mean, look (don't actually look lol, I'm just telling you) at all the brother/sister porn on the internet, it's one of the biggest categories! It's nasty imo, but there's hard evidence this is a natural tendency. So this is a natural, biological thing, and if you are shameful about it, it means you can't accept yourself. That can have big consequences. Wanting to have sex with your sister IS NOT shameful. Even acting on that isn't "shameful" from a higher perspective, nothing is, but that would obviously be a bad decision in today's society. Think back to ancient tribes, they had to have sex with family to survive, because that's all there was. In fact, it would be wise to delete the word "shameful" from your vocabulary moving forward. It's a harmful word for the ego (by strengthening it) because it enforces absolute morality, division, hate, etc. No one who's high-consciousness uses that word, towards themselves or others. I also have a feeling you may have not talked to your sister and apologized. You're not apologizing because you did something shameful (although taking too much acid in your parents house and losing your mind was pretty stupid ), you're apologizing for the pain you may have caused her, try to see her perspective on it. Please do that because it will really help to clear your muddy mental waters. Tension will release between you two.
  7. People at stage Blue do not take kindly to anyone trying to redefine "God." Trust me, I know from personal experience. That's a no-go zone, you have to help shift perceptions in other ways. God is a very personal thing.
  8. Yes, you have to understand who you're talking to, and their notions of God. For instance, I would not use the word God, ever, when talking to a stage Blue person, because I know they hold a narrow, dualistic understanding of the word God. So that means saying "God" to them would actually lead them further from the Truth, to confusion. Language has such power because of all our individual and collective stores surrounding the words. You have to be mindful of that.
  9. INTP, scary accurate. @Theta lil' Katara! How cute!
  10. Such a beautiful poem on nonduality This is well worth your time, enjoy!
  11. Rupert and Eckhart both communicate at a more broad, simple level to not only attract an audience, but to be understood. It isn't their purpose to dive too deep into the metaphysics and scare people off. However, that doesn't mean they aren't fully God realized. To me, it just means full embodiment of enlightenment, which they have undoubtedly achieved. What you are talking about is something else. Leo's whole channel is the pursuit to speak about nonduality using language (dualistic) as accurately as possible. He does this so well that if you're not already God realized (full enlightenment) it will scare you. It gives you as close a taste as you can to Nondual consciousness, without having to do any work. That's why it's so invaluable, but also why Leo cannot have a big audience (he did in the early days, but not at this level). Actualized is for a rare breed of people willing to turn their old lives upside down. That doesn't mean Leo "understands" it better than Rupert or Eckhart, because it goes beyond language.
  12. Yes, Greg Braden has talked about this extensively. Our hearts ARE actually connected to the Earth's magnetic field. There was a recorded spike in the magnetic field the day BEFORE 9/11, and continued hightened activity for a few days after. Because it was such a catastrophic event, billions of people's heart-state shifted simultaneously. 9/11 was unconsciously foreshadowed by many artists in the years leading up to it. Check out Alex Grey's painting "Gaia" from 1989, and there's dozens more examples. Our hearts also have a bundle of 40,000 (If I remember correctly) neurons, that send tons of information to the brain. Scientists are still unsure what this mini "brain" in the heart does... But if I had to guess, it's to regulate the "field" around our hearts to subconsciously communicate emotional states to others. This would explain why emotions can feel palpable across a room, why we can correctly Intuit someone watching us, etc. We have an entire system of remote connection hardwired into us, and organizations like HeartMath are the first to research it. Exciting stuff! Listening to the heart and intuition ARE REAL.
  13. @cetus56 Ok, I thought about my question a little more, please tell me what you think. What we mean by infinite "knowing" is that reality is itself. This type of knowing is consciousness which is a post-rational type of knowing with no ground. When we say infinite "not-knowing," it is referring to rational understanding/thought grounded in a single viewpoint, the perceiver. Because this is fundamentally partial, relational, dualistic, and illusory, it's the same as not knowing anything True. When we say "infinite mystery," it is only referring to the fact that the universe cannot be "known" through the mind, just like I explained above. It's only a mystery to us. Reality doesn't need to "know" itself rationally, it can't, but it is "all-knowing" in the sense that it just "is." The mind can never grasp this. That's my take on why all 3 of these aren't contradictory and exist simultaneously... And really just shows you how inept the English language is at describing anything beyond physical duality.
  14. I contemplated that none of that made sense. How is A + C not equal to C + A in your view? Also, I don't understand why you're trying to use equations to explain experience, belief, and the concept of impossible, all of which are qualitatively different.
  15. Only to us How can you have infinite knowing, not-knowing, and mystery simultaneously?? Haha
  16. It's a very powerful lens through which to view the world. I highly recommend it! But like with any new lens, you must practice looking through it in even the most mundane situations, that's where the real magic happens. Everyone is born with a pair of eyes, but how many people really see?
  17. @cetus56 If in doubt, blame the bearded man in the clouds! Very true. Maybe not on the level of your child, but the blame game is something everyone has done, because it's the natural response of the ego. I guess blaming God for your own imperfections, such as a big nose or ADHD, is just as destructive. It's all too easy to fall into that negative thought pattern...
  18. @isabel yeah, Rupert is a shining light. My best friend recently went to his 3-hour meeting on Nonduality in NYC, and said it balanced and centered him. From a certain perspective, every word ever spoken is God's poetry, just like every form is art.
  19. @cetus56 I mean, I get it... I couldn't imagine having to raise a child that had to be babysat her entire life... I just couldn't. Just the fact he did that and still loves her is a testament to the power of Love. But calling your own child a "mistake" in any context is just plain ignorance and delusion. You know what's funny, I can't even criticize him because I know his deep seated feelings towards God and his daughter... Are also part of God's unfolding plan. And going even deeper, the belief she is a mistake could be rooted in a dualistic understanding of God vs. Devil. Now that's a mindfuck
  20. Both simultaneously! Part of awakening is seeing the humor in everything. One of the most therapeutic practices you can do is to genuinely laugh at yourself, it releases tension and ego.
  21. @pluto ??? But this gets even more profound when you remove the duality of "you" and "Creation!" You love yourself so unconditionally that you allow yourself to feel unlovable, lonely, and depressed. Because you are a Mastermind playing 5-D chess... It is from our weaknesses that we gather our greatest strengths. To feel alive, to exist, to love, requires no limitations. I love the part in The Matrix where Agent Smith discusses the origin of the matrix. "The first simulation was... Too good. It could not be accepted, and descended into chaos."