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Everything posted by Good-boy

  1. Absolutely, it is just mind tricks to escape the truth. Truth that you are the ego and the ego is necessary to survive in this world. So the ego creates this glse model of non duality and escapes the reality (feelings, emotions, thoughts) to cut itself from the society both physically and mentally. Then the ego comes back, followed by isolating again after few days and the circle keeps repeating until you are dead. Check the "serious mental pissues" thread where this guy committed suicide after seeing for 40 years, the guy realized that he wasted all this time and committed suicide.
  2. Plus his other business or whatever he does, the payment that he receives through cash or interac goes through those same thief banks. His clients paying are probably killers or rapist asking him for counselling. They pay him with the dirty cash, and he thinks that he is ? than us and we are loosers working at McDonalds. Only way for us to to reach his level is turning into a leader and make models like him to help people.His ego is bigger than mount Everest ffs.
  3. @Joseph Maynor @Joseph Maynor Yeah! Leo is stage yellow, so he is trying to display his stage green traits in the video. Stage yellow can quickly shift between different stages and it's so cool.
  4. I love you too Leo(no homo). Even if you never helped me through, I would hugged and kissed the random bald guy with a beard in the fruit market. Thank you so much Leo ?
  5. If I were you, then I would have digged the skeletons out of the grave and sniff it for a good 2-3 hours to get a taste of that absolute infinity/bliss.
  6. Being pretty is not a prerequisite for having sex with guys. Big ass and tits are unfortunately the key to getting laid for girls in the current era. If you are small, then simply hit the gym and change your diet, and you are good to go.
  7. Good job ? I would say that you should go deeper and deeper into the grave ?
  8. I found the video bullshit too. So Leo, youTube's revenue comes from ad revenues, and the ads shown before the videos are from greedy corporates too. So you are a slave as well. Not everyone can read 100 books like you and come up with these brilliant ideas for the human race, so working 9-5 at McDonald's is the only option for some people.