Sustainable Keanan

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About Sustainable Keanan

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    Oregon, United States
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  1. @Matt23 This actually is where I derive my line of thinking. Lets dig into those flaws that you perceive if you're game?
  2. Marina Abramovic and her social circle past and present is something worth looking into. Once one starts looking into the birds of a feather and deep digging into what they do in their spare time when they're not playing their role in the geopolitical stage-show, one will find that many characters in Hollywood, authoritative offices (high and low), academia, the corporate world and "Social services" like DHS/CPS are EXTREMELY unethical and morally bankrupt people operate within those social spheres. This topic is beginning to really become public knowledge and there is no level of censorship that will be able to stop it. Carl Sagans dictum of extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary proof goes out the window when you realize that the corporate media and big tech work overtime to divert attention away from the Non-fiction narratives of the reality in which most of us find ourselves living in. ...They/He/She who controls the narrative, controls the people. I encourage people not to just believe what any given individual has to say on such topics- but to go dig into the topics themselves and publish their findings. Given the extreme level of censorship this topic gets because of generalized associations to things like Cue and the an0ns that perpetuate information that has come out of that realm of thinking- I also encourage people to be extremely critical of how you present your findings and refine your explanations as best as one can. There will soon come a time where we have to be able to break down to family members and close friends that the reality which they thought they were living in is no more than a culturally indoctrinated and linguistically enforced illusion...Some will be livid, some will be so depressed that they don't even want to get out of bed or take showers, some may even fall into complete despair and seek a means out of life...Those are the ones that will require explanations of WHY THERE IS HOPE.
  3. I feel like if INFJs came together and- to start- made an app that classifies users by MBTI groupings. Then organized people into sub-groups by either preferred occupations and/or natural skills and trades...We could effectively execute a plan to bring/manifest a Venus project like kind of city structure. And in turn essentially we can positively reconfigure social paradigms through changing the environment/providing another option of environment which would be super welcoming. I would like to network with some people to manifest this one because I know that this could help many others. I don't really care if someone goes and takes this idea and networks with their own people to make it happen but I would like to at least 1.Like to be allowed input on certain facets of the concepts and 2.Make at least 5% of the overtime worth and lastly 3.Ensure that personal information/data sharing and anti censorship stances be taken as the thing is in development...We could effectively execute a plan to bring/manifest a Venus project like kind of city structure. And in turn essentially we can positively reconfigure social paradigms through changing the environment/providing another option of environment which would be super welcoming.
  4. @electroBeam I actually have encountered someone who was working on a similar concept. I'm not sure how far they've gotten and I wish I would've written down the name of the project. I'm in love with that idea however I'm focused on being able to have construction machines engineered and programmed to be capable of replicating the city template using (mostly) pre-fabricated units. Pre-fab units/architecture that can be manipulated through the designing process to have a visual appeal and feel of various cultures. I think building a naturally rooted complex thing- pun intended- is a great damn idea and say 'Manifest the best to you.'
  5. Wait- that last part came out wrong. I'm getting there slowly but surely in the sense of: I'm chipping away at implementing a plan for a city template out in the yonder based on the concepts and principles of both the Venus Project and the UBUNTU party. But I need to learn how to network.
  6. @dude You're absolutely right. Ego is a perfectly fine example of in any type of social structure, there is bound to be conflict in the microcosm (Escalated discourse between few) and the macrocosm (In the worst case scenario, a manipulation- or further manipulation- of false concepts of division. Too the extent where said manipulat ors either satiate their constant lusting after power, money and control or seek complete dominance over everything that they think they can). These types of people aren't ones to work alone. ---Back up froom THAT rabbit hole Keanan...That being though I thought of an app concept not TOO long ago that purpose is to: Be a civil engineering sort of networking system/organizer to catalogue voluntary individuals by their trade, craft or skill. I watched the Osho documentary and actually...reflecting on what they did there just now, I'm actually blown away and think I need to watch it again because a lot of it's blurry. But the way they started working the earth so fast was amazing. Anyway, I'm gettin there. Slowly but surely.
  7. If you could upload a 3-d image/schematic/blueprint to the hive mind of ants and have them build it, regardless of what it was, what would you have them build?
  8. My Name is Keanan Stenson. Someone recently told me that I should get onto a forum because I have some intelligent ideas, so please note that I don't mean to come off pompous, condescending or like a moron but I'm new to this. I feel that I have an issue with with practically manifesting my ideas especially in this detrimental monetary world. So, simply put: I seek help from the co-creative abilities of fellow man. I see all these painful things that the world endures and I know there's worse to come. However I refuse to fret over that which I, individually, have no influence over. So I look to the future and it's positively oriented possibilities...Which brings me to establishing a template or standing physical example by which the rest of the world can live by. I've put a lot of thought into the insanity of the unthinking majority of the times and have decided to do what I must to establish a permaculture in this lifetime...But I feel lost without the hands of the many(and, Ironically, Money) to help build what is needed for humanity to thrive with the highest possible quality of life. Anyway I've created a conceptual image to convey what I have going on in my head. I suck when it comes to verbally talking to people about what I have in my mind. So I'm asking:What can I do to start pooling great minds, engineers, architects, and benefactors/sponsors of a philanthropic nature? I have had the idea to go to the Steens Mountain area of Oregon, renouncing society to begin directing water and other resources single handedly...I'm just a bluesy kid hoping the world to change for the better., I admit there's much more detail to add to this, I only put a total of about 3 hours into this. I'm open to all criticisms but prefer suggestions.