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Posts posted by smurf88

  1. On 8/5/2018 at 5:00 PM, Leo Gura said:

    You gotta keep in mind that introversion/extroversion is a spectrum. Many people are somewhere in the middle.

    For me, I am very introverted and have been my whole life. Yet most people who meet me face to face would think I am an extrovert because one-on-one I can get very animated and go into a deep conversation with some close friend. But I am terrible at small talk or meeting new people because the shallowness of it bores me and drains my energy.

    For me, the introversion label fits perfectly. And I know others whom it fits perfectly too. And I also know extroverts who are just the opposite: they go into a bar and light up like a Christmas tree. As an introvert I just can't do that. Small talk wears me out. I need quiet intimate environments, not noisy clubs or bars.

    All that said, I can still push myself to go to a bar and be extroverted. It just feels very unnatural.

    So a lot this has to do with what feels most natural to you.

    Would you rather have 100 friends who you rarely have a deep conversation with, or 3 really close friends? Extroverts tend to have 100s of friends, so many they don't even have time to meet them for more than 10 minutes. An introvert will have a couple good friends but spend hours talking to them.

    Of course, as with all theories, categories, and models, don't let it limit you. Use it to deepen your understanding, and if it doesn't help you do that, throw it away. For me it's a handy distinction which explains how I tend to act.

    I remember a while ago you had made a few videos about the idea that the enlightened person should be able to sit in a room by themselves for the rest of their life and be happy. Do you still believe this to be the case? Is it something that is attainable?

    I've been experimenting with this for a while and after several days of keeping to myself I find that I get a lot of unwanted feelings of anxiety, as though I am scared of something even though nothing has happened. Not sure if I should bother to keep trying or just start socializing more again.