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About magicactualizer

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  1. This is such a profound observation! To really think about this situation the way that you are, it really required a true practice of mindfulness that not everyone can really relate to. I applaud you for that and am glad that you're sharing. What I think is this: I agree with the notion that humans by nature are designed to have a crave for "juicy" information due to the manifestation of technology coming closer to our lives more than ever. Through your "wouldview perception" theory, that is true when analyzing the way information is carried from one entity to another. Moreover, to add to your theory, I believe that humans have many different stories that they deem as true. Because it is simple: nothing they ever say or we ever say is ever 100% the truth. Every story we tell about any situation, is only a illustration of OUR truth. Every story we tell is something that is CLOSE to the truth; never the actual complete truth. This reminds me of a reading I did from Mark Manson, as he described this exact concept regarding the concept of truth and the flow of information.
  2. Journaling is a great way to design your life. You can look at higher quality bullet journals with a few extra bucks! Youtube has hundreds of endless ways to design your life through many activities that you could do daily in a notebook. From brain dumps, to habit experiments, to habit checkers, and more. It really works well for me! I think that is your SINGLE most important book that you should consider as the possibilities are endless. Cheers.
  3. If you're actually really good at what you do, then people will take notice. If you provide information or content to an audience in innovative ways with unique perspectives, you're going to make waves in the ocean of youtube. However, do not focus on the end result. Accomplishing anything takes pain, time, and hardwork. Without understanding that you have to actually do the work, nothing will ever get done. The best thing you can do now is: to take action. Action is the key. Action is the first step to getting anything done. For example: Rooms a mess? The first action is to make my bed. Stuck on an idea? The first action is to open my notebook. Too lazy to get up from bed and go to class? The first action is to put on some pants. The smallest actions create the LARGEST results. Because, after I did that first action of making my bed, next thing you know I'm cleaning the doing the dishes, taking out the trash, and finishing laundry. Or, after that first idea, I'm already bouncing off of 50 different ideas, and ready to shoot a video. Or, after getting up from bed, that was the very start of my whole day by getting to class on time, and through all of my assignments. Start with the first and smallest action possible, and the rest will follow.
  4. I love how your goals are definite and you state exactly what you want. It shows you're serious and determined. But, I would just start with your initial goal of 90 days maybe. Then after you accomplish that, reaching your 7 months will be a breeze. You got this.