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About tonyh16

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  1. Great points brought up here already on selfishness and whether or not you should embrace that. But I want to make a comment on the original post and say that RSD has changed quite a bit in the last two years. Owen (RSD Tyler) is very focused on self-development over dating, and believe it or not so is RSDJulien. The company has evolved and their content with it, I really enjoy the hour long videos they post. They still use the lower consciousness things to pull you in but once you listen to what Owen goes on about these days you're like wow this is some next level shit. He talks a lot about being present to the moment and flow state as well as how sex is merely a byproduct of living a fulfilling and engaged life, sometimes it's not even that great and for some guys it's not their objective, regardless game doesn't teach you how to get laid- it teaches you how to navigate this experience as your authentic self.
  2. I want to begin by echoing some of the above comments, Leo's video is a great start to a discussion on this topic and Ether hit the nail on the head when they said women will want different things. I am proud to say that I used to be incredibly inexperienced and very frustrated in this area but have grown a lot and reached a point where I'm very comfortable and confident that I can attract the majority of women I meet/find attractive. I'm not saying this to toot my own horn, but rather prove that like anything in life, if you're willing to spend time and energy into learning and developing you CAN improve. To answer the original question- I think women are going to be attracted to different things, but if I (in my own experience) can highlight the ONE consistent variable- it would be social acuity. What do I mean by that? You'll often here people with social acuity described as "they just get it." People with social acuity have a high emotional intelligence. They are able to read people's body language and energy, know what to do in a situation, and overall RAISE the vibration in every circumstance. They bring a fun and energetic vibe to every social interaction. OK- so how do you get there? Well it's not exactly easy. At least not as easy as reading this post or watching a video and having the "magic insight to change your dating and sex life" Newsflash- that doesn't exist. The top way to increase your social acuity is to build references- go out, talk to friends, experiment. Get scientific. Write down what went well and what didn't. Research ways to bring value to social interactions. Research how to flirt. Research how to be confident. With time, you'll be attracting women you never thought you could. Hope this helped.
  3. Have to agree with the rest of the users, blogs are still making a very big impact in the media space today. One of my favorites is the "Wait But Why" blog written by Tim Urban. It's a long-form approach with deep dives into a wide array of subject matter. You can visit here That being said, I definitely don't think that podcasts or YouTube channels are a bad bet, but they certainly have a different audience, monetization routes, and best practices. You'll want to be aware of those things before you make any decisions. Also most importantly, remember to commit! There are essentially NO barriers to entry in media these days, and if there are, they continue to shrink each and every year. This means that more people enter the industry, more content is produced, and in terms of money- it becomes a race to the bottom. You should understand the ramifications of this- you must have a true passion, and be willing to work hard for YEARS before you see any results. Hope I was able to provide some insight.