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Everything posted by jms0717

  1. I love it. There's some crazy stuff there, but it's fun to entertain possibilities.
  2. There is nothing wrong with being different. The pursuit of knowledge is an admirable hobby. Sometimes having so much knowledge and experience can be overwhelming and scary as you are experiencing. A meditation practice would probably help a ton, and some different friends who understand you better would help as well.
  3. I agree with Zane. Every person has a different idea of a "good life". For my ex, money = success and he wouldn't be happy until he had a lot of it (or at least was able to look like he did). That's why he's my ex! For me, a good life is being content and comfortable. I only need my family and an place to retreat from the world. Material comfort is nice, but more along the lines of "We don't have to worry about where food is coming from or how bills are getting paid, and we can buy the nice toilet paper and organic food if we want", not "We have to have the best and most of everything". I'm pretty easy to please.
  4. I just looked her up and I can't watch her videos. Her eyes scare me.
  5. I was a pretty heavy smoker for awhile and it did amazing things for my mind and spirituality at first. Then I got to the point of using it to escape reality, and found myself rationalizing smoking more and more. Luckily, right when I realized it was becoming a hindrance to my growth, I got pregnant and I quit. It's been nice to realize that I'm not dependent on it to be spiritual and a thinker in the way that I was while high, because I can do all that and more sober now.
  6. That's what I said before it happened. Now (and this could easily be pregnancy nesting as well...), if my husband folds the towels or if I'm not feeling well enough to do it myself and they just get stuck into their cubby it's extremely annoying and I am hoping I feel better, just to fold the towels.
  7. I think the difference between then and now is that there is a point where you've hit rock bottom in that way and you just decide (whether consciously or not) "Fuck it, I'm not doing this anymore". I did that with my mental health when I was suicidal. Since then, I've felt an uphill battle as well in every way I've tried to make changes.
  8. I'm married and have a baby on the way, so I'm not quite to the point of not having any me time, but I definitely can already see where that will be an issue. This issue reminds me of Marie Kondo's book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Basically, if you haven't heard, she promotes a fairly minimalist lifestyle full of only the objects (of all sorts - clothes, books, kitchen supplies, etc) that bring you joy or are necessary for their use. One of her rules is that you can't touch other people's stuff, because it may bring them joy even if it doesn't for you. That can be and is complicated for a lot of women who are in charge of all the cleaning and stuff of their house, because the process gets addicting (like personal development!), and you just want to get rid of everyone else's stuff. However, part of the Life Changing Magic is that getting rid of things you don't enjoy brings a ton of inner peace, and eventually that will rub off on the others in the family - they'll see how excited you are about random things like folding towels, and see how much happier you are, and want to go through the process as well. I think that it would be similar with this kind of thing. My husband is not into spirituality like I am, but likes the idea of the personal development stuff, so I know eventually I'll rub off on him.
  9. I'm INFJ. I'd been consistently typing as somewhere between INFJ and INFP since high school, but finally went through a website where she gives real life examples of the differences and focuses on the cognitive functions background, and that's what really settled it. For what it's worth, I'd really suggest looking into the cognitive function stacks. That's what's really cool to me. Knowing my MBTI and that of my friends has helped a ton with all my relationships.
  10. I don't remember which, but there was a documentary that made the point that Western medication is great for emergencies, when quick fixes are the difference between life and death, but for a long-term issue, it's better to look at the entire body as a system, as traditional Eastern medicine tends to do. I was on Celexa and Abilify for awhile at my worst. I've always been vaguely opposed to psychiatric medication because we have so little information about them, but at the time, it was basically that or kill myself, so I'd say it was worth it. The meds kept me alive and under control long enough to get into an intense therapy program that gave me some great tools to fix myself from the inside (mentally). Shortly after that situation, I found out that a huge factor in my emotional disturbances is a hormonal imbalance (I'd thought that for awhile, but never got it confirmed until I saw a specialist), so I started treating that with a bioidentical progesterone supplement, which did amazing things for me that the other medications couldn't touch. Now, I'm working on getting my body healthy, and will really be focusing on that once I have my baby in April so she grows up with a better understanding of nutrition than I did.