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About AmalieRuby

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  1. You are right, I have no idea what is going to happen anyway so I better don't think about it too much. Thank you so much for your advice Zoey, best wishes from switzerland.
  2. Yes you're right and there are a lot of other guys out there. And I definitly won't do that after waiting that long.
  3. Thanks you all so much for your answers. To the one's saying I should keep him as a fuckbuddy or that I should've already sleept with him: I've never been in a relationship and also never had sex and I'm not saying that I would never do the casual sex thing but I just don't want to loose my virginty like that. I'm still not really sure about what I'm supposed to do but I'm now trying to find out what I'm feeling in the next few days and if I can win some distance to the whole situation. And yes I'm going to keep putting myself first because that's the only thing to do if I don't want to get hurt. I've also thought about diffrent future scenarios if I keep in touch with him and it would feel very weird to just take him back when he is done fucking around. On the other hand I hate that he's the first guy in years that I actually liked and was very into and that maybe just the timing is wrong. As you can see I'm still pretty confused, but it helps a lot to read diffrent opinions on the subject.
  4. I met this guy about two months ago who was just one month out of a two year relationship. After telling me several times that he’s over his ex we started getting pretty serious very fast. He told me things like me meeting his parents and if I wanted to go on a city trip with him. Last week I finally decided that I was ready to have my first time with him. But right before we were about to do it he told me that a serious relationship would only be far in the future and that he first wants to enjoy being single and a free man. I was very hurt because for me a F+ kinda thing is not something I want. I told him that it couldn’t go on like this between us because it would only hurt me. He was very understanding and now asked me if it would be okay for me to still text and go for a drink from time to time. I am now very confused about what I’m supposed to do. Would it be better to completely delete him out of my life or should I take his “offer”?