now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. this is the fluffiest:
  2. the paper doesn’t care.
  3. what basically does not exist. lol thats why the just draw them into reality
  4. @ivankiss i have a bad day. it sounds like an argument... so i get defensive. never mind, then. thanks ?
  5. @ivankiss why is journey a bedtime story? if you go on a journey you go on a journey no one said it had a specific end. i mean you go on a journey with an aim in mind, but no one said you’ll reach it. you can reach someone though. yourself nothing is not nothing if you forget what nothing means. don’t tell others they are on the wrong path because you feel empty.
  6. @electroBeam meet as often and regularly as possible 3 to 6 months, don’t book the flights all at the same time, always book them after the last visit. call and text each other, if communication is off for too long you’ll forget each other. time is like a veil that falls upon memories, so you need to refresh memories of each other constantly. if that doesn’t come naturally its more likely to not work. but if you are into each other you will probably do that anyways. you can get very creative with cellphone dates - both of you meeting for walks or so. doing some scavenger hunt from afar, like sending her to the theater or a museum, whatever she likes. being attentive to each others problems... love each other and hope your breath is long enough.
  7. don’t post? i can hide it if you want to... but - your first entry, the video about the tracking habit, i can only recommend bullet journaling. i‘ll try to tune it a little bit with the ideas of the video. you are so random dude
  8. someone posted that song a while ago in a thread. it’s very beautiful and it’s also about fire and water - it’s also about the river and about reflections. i just listened to it to not feel so down anymore. it’s definitely part of my records now.
  9. i‘m watching the clouds move by i‘m not the clouds i love the clouds is a duality to: i am the clouds i don’t love the clouds is a duality to: i am not the clouds i don‘t love the clouds is a duality to: i am the clouds i love the clouds i wish i could be them. they seem to move so easy. as if they didn’t also come from the sea.
  10. yes, you are right - it seams as if they are different - to me it seems as if the records are not thought tapes but phenomena tapes or karmic reaction tapes that start to unravel the moment you tuch-understand something or someone or a situation, the moment you understand the history without needing to ask any further, you can see a shadow record or a light record it’s our choice to see both or just one of them. it happens when you enter a vortex, stepping into zero but also if there is something in the vortex - an emotion or a thing doesn’t matter. the kokaptilian thought tapes are more like the thoughts bound to the physical and materialized remainders of the past now. (in that sense the akashik records are part of the kokaptilian thought tapes) i guess the records and thoughttapes often overlap into what maya means in sense of thoughts. thats cooking with water. if you boil anything down, something remains.
  11. @CreamCat hhaha... are you selling recliners?
  12. @Zigzag Idiot it’s interesting! i like it! i wonder if gurdjieff would have liked the song. did you find out the essence of the song with a lot of steam? there is so much steam at the moment it‘s not difficult to see the essence anymore. some fools are foolisher than fools. thank you ?
  13. today feels like cacado day. i guess cacado‘s have nests, and i guess cacados push other cacados out of their nests. that’s what cacados do.
  14. well yeah that was the third one, the first two are like that: the gravity is overestimated no one needs it really how you can obviously see in space and the sun cooks also just with water it shouldn’t put on airs yellow sow and actually i confused the second and third one with each other the third one is: and the himalaya the old fart i could get upset about it sow
  15. fire + water = a lot of steam/clouds there is this fantastic german song from peter licht, i try to translate it’s lyrics essence: and the himalaya, the old fart, it cooks also just with water.
  16. @kieranperez not sure, if you can cure it completely - but i suppose with supporting the liver it’s more a cure than a treatment, also there are several cleansing procedures in ayurveda that could maybe cure it until a certain degree - usually you have to redo the purogation process after some time. in this context the ashwaghanda and brahmi (nootropics/adaptogens) then are more of a treatment than a cure but can support the cure. there are some illnesses or body conditiones that can’t be cured completely but you can get close to it if you find the right methods. i know budget is a problem and you want something that works fast so maybe it’s not for now directly and you need to gather more information from people who have experienced these treatments. if you are interested in doing some of the panchakarma treatments at home i could help you with basic information - i guess cleansing your gut with warm oil doesn’t repel you after you might have considered to plug 5meo. i know it’s half baked as i‘m not an ajurvedic doctor nor was i treated for adhd. but it’s certainly an option i‘d keep in mind or try if there are no other options.
  17. don’t confuse creativity in general with red - turquoise is also highly creative - creativity is part of every stage! yes in this context a hybrid is the combination of theory and practice. neither cat nor dog, drives on water and on land. it’s the synthesis between energy and matter. i‘m not sure exactly about how red plays out in creativity - or if i got it right, i just compared what you told me with how the creative process works. so maybe i can tell you that after some inquiry. couldn’t find the chart, though.
  18. hahaha thats another book i only started - and didn’t finish yet. but i‘d say unconstrained in regards to red means creativity without higher aim - either only pragmatic or only theoretical. expanding creatively, unconstrained has a function in every creative process in the beginning of the process. when i bought the book i bought so many different books, hybrids are a good synthesis for the practical implementation that has to follow. a hybrid of spiral dynamics and shadow work is probably also very interesting. thanks for the tip guess i start to crossread the books though first.
  19. @ValiantSalvatore if the question about the book was not about the ken wilber book but the shadow dance book, it’s about liberating the power and creativity of your dark side. it’s a book written by david richo. don’t know yet if it is recommendable. i bought it to simultaneously do shadow work and work on my creative potential, it contains some practical advices. i like hybrids.
  20. started to read a book recently, it’s called shadow dance - don’t know yet if it is really good, but when i started reading it i was at a lake and in front of me was a group of people. two couples, one of the girls was extremely attractive (i got a little envious) and she was all lovy dovy with one of the guys they where presenting their new found love very obviously talking loudly, so i hardly could concentrate on my book. i even noticed how i got envious about their perfect relationship over the next half an hour and realized it was hard at the boarder of getting jellous. they really where so beautiful together. i really hated them at one point rubbing that under my nose, i just wanted to read. then the other couple left, only the lovy dovy couple remained, finally it was more quiet - and what happened? they started to have an argument quarreling resulting in her standing up and leaving the scene while he was walking five steps behind her. it‘s really difficult to understand what was who‘s projection in this situation - at least i know my shadow is that i secretly sometimes wish i could be another person, i could change my skin from time to time, because they seem to be someone i am not, the rest was projection - sometimes if the shadow shows in a real person, the shadows are dreams that seem to be dreams on the surface but are not so much of a dream if we look further. i guess a shadow is a representative of our own projections, but it is more, it is also a representative of our denials and about the denials of the shadow. there are light shadows, too, they overlap with the ones that are because the light is missing. in that sense, we all live in the shadow of the sun.
  21. in ayurveda they treat adhd with brahmi (bacopa) and ashwaghanda, they are also recommending nasya for vata, to reduce vata. if you‘ll try ayurvedic treatments, be aware it will take some time and is multi factorial - so you‘ll have to experiment with it, could be that it doesn’t help... but could also surprise you big time. ayurveda and chinese medicine both concentrate on detoxification processes for adhd. as adhd is associated with some genetic mutations MTHTFR which influences the ability of detoxification, so in chinese medicine they apply liver protective liver cleansing medicine. maybe you could have a look into that as well. also maybe you could find out about acupressure points. don‘t have legitimate adhd so i can’t tell what really does work - but no one could tell me what does work for my condition as well, so i tell you where you could start searching. don‘t forget you are a holon so try to think wholisticly. bodymindly.
  22. @CreamCat is there a reason why you meditate on a chair instead of a cushion on the floor? do you have knee problems? i‘d do some yoga for posture or for the back muscles instead of buying a chair like that - it’s just an object that will probably not bring you what you hope it will and then it’s just a dustcatcher instead of a dreamcatcher also might be that the meditation sessions in one position are too long.
  23. two new bullet points for today, i want to look into deeper. akashik records (want to find out if it is what i think it is) self assessment (i see that this is definitely limited, as not all can be self assessed but i also see that it’s a problem if we rely to much on others) self assessment probably contains all forms of inquiry and meditation.