now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. Sending you ?. You are amazing. just be careful to not leave the peel on the floor. but that’s ?too.
  2. well i’m not so sure who he is instructing , but in europe we know at least that since some centuries - van gogh would throw an ear at him but yeah maybe the younger generations are having more illusions in that direction, therefore if people want to make art they need to find a way for that - no one said art is easy, who did? it’s like the hollywood myth and the next top model syndrome.
  3. how long do you think it takes until a society is at the same point again where it was before - i mean in sense of spirituality after someone ripped a hole into it? the twenties have been deeply infused with spirituality, flourishing, the nazis just rode the wave, it was en vogue, nationalism was too, the nazis where a pseudo spiritual mix of everything that was in fashion - thats why cults are so dangerous. but a lot of people where opening up in the twenties in sense of art and culture. if you want to get a taste read “in a tender hold” of wolfram fleischhauer - it’s partially very cheesy but it draws an interesting picture and connects the dots really nicely.
  4. it’s maybe a good model to start wit some personality traits, yes as a model to approach the multi dimmensionality of a person, it also might give some hints where streangths in people are and where they still lack skills, but overall it only defines tendencies and an introverted can get pretty extroverted at certain circumstances. it’s an interesting model, but its only a drawer you sort people into - it’s good to be aware of that.
  5. @7thLetter mhh i use to trust into my senses. the myers briggs sounds nice but as i see, it is not completely accepted by scientific psychology, so as long as i don’t need it work related i will probably not use it as a measurement. you could also ask: how many drawers has a cabinet?
  6. @7thLetter well until then, there might be an actualized academy for x-men. xcited someone has to drive him around to his instant brain to brain mind machine.
  7. in my experience introverts and extroverts are often not what they seem to be - there are extroverts who are really deep and introverts who are more shallow than expected, judging people by how they interact with their surrounding on an everyday basis is very difficult, you would also have to consider age and other parameters. everyone is in different phases in their life, experiences different high and low phases that have influenced their approach towards the world. it’s simple to judge people over their first appearance, putting them into a drawer - usually you realize the truth in people only after spending some time with them.
  8. @mandyjw yeah, so many flavors to come! xcited long live the banana republic!
  9. @Inliytened1 that was indeed a bannapple joke!
  10. if he was the warden, would he have to do bananings? what kind of prison is that where you have to tell people to stay away
  11. this is actually not so easy to be withdrawn - it makes some sense, how do you know for some people carpentry wouldn’t be more of a life purpose than an assembly line job or being a secretary/coffee fetcher and in the end jesus was a carpenter, wasn’t he? working with wood can be a very fulfilling job. also the guys i met who learned carpentry before they got designers are the better furniture designers. we have this discussion for a while going on in germany, too. it’s a common sense thing, right left, both talk about it. it’s supposedly more the attempt to streangthen the middle class again. we all like to feed the mindfactory.
  12. that’s reductionism!
  13. the little nazi slumbers in all of us even in sun tzu.
  14. @CreamCat obviously he was seen again burning books.
  15. did he really predict the kindle? that‘s amazing he didn’t even know luther would print it yet. he must have already seen the first monasteries arise and how they illustrated book after book. lol
  16. @jbram2002 focusing on breathing is focusing meditation. it’s breath awareness. it’s calming as you focus the mind on a rhythm. try guided meditation for a starter to see what it could look like, feel like. special meditations can bring you closer towards a special mindset, either it is to calm something down, to loosen some knots that arise from your every day or to infuse your mind, you then take that mindset into the day.
  17. @jbram2002 mh - envisualizing can probably work. but it’s not so much about that, not literally. you just watch them pop up and go. without following them in the mind stream. you could also just lie down in the grass or sand for some time and really watch them, before meditating. did you ever try guided meditation?
  18. @jbram2002 it’s largely an interpretation - yes of course is aether the space but space is not empty. also in a broader metaphysical sense it’s probably not, but in an alchemic sense it fits very well. god is sitting in the clouds ? moving clouds are wonderful to understand how thoughts and emotions appear and disappear and move through space. the universe formed itself out of star dust, a cloud that already entailed everything that is now, except maybe for air, who knows how that came to earth. but synonymous for the psyche/awareness these clouds form themselves of water(love/life) and fire(buoyancy/energy) and well whatever they contain.
  19. small sins karma strikes on spot.
  20. aether is created through fire and water. it’s clouds, steam, humidity in the jungle the morning dew, whatever its not really an element but it entails all elements - it’s the substance our dreams are made of. vata is made of air and clouds - it’s the creative dosha. when shiva creates space he is dancing in a ring of fire.
  21. earth, is potential energy, primal energy, it’s not jet a stone it’s mud - the stone is made of the mud. water is love/life it is the source that brings the mud into movement, it is the flow the rhythm of your heart. air is the creative energy it enriches the soil and the water, always in movement taking up love and moving it, bringing it somewhere else. fire is the fuel, life force, setting free of energy, light itself, but also explosive it creates pressure through forcing everything into new dimensions it burns or cooks or bakes. it can ban mud into stone.
  22. feed a monkey? just don‘t leave the peel on the floor.