now is forever

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Everything posted by now is forever

  1. maybe i shouldn’t mention it but the ivory tower is not a symbol for science
  2. i guess time has an error. there is no arrow. time is endless if you wait for it and too short if it’s not enough. time is limitless and limited in its space. the more you fill it the less it gets. and still it is here then it’s gone.
  3. no.... god is doing colonoscopy to find out about his ass holiness ?
  4. colonoscopy ?
  5. hahaha yeah i can see that. it’s quite perfect in black and white. for manipura as love i made this sigil: maybe you need to learn how to discern them more. where love is sitting is even traditionally another place.
  6. but in reality the tunnel might be dark, although there is light at the end, that’s why i chose not to do that.
  7. @mandyjw maybe i forgot this:
  8. well it’s the sun chacra and the diamond lake.
  9. it’s really fun making these - as it is also simplifying the process of how i understand the chacras, it’s a communication with subconciousness, the sign i choose is the one that unites a visual aspect with the highest symbolic match still using all signs of a word. symbolically it kind of works pretty well like that - next set i’ll try will be more cryptic though.
  10. well i also already have an anahata sigil it’s a dreamcatcher...
  11. @Charlotte yes. you know i usually was in the middle field - but i hated it that someone had to loose, and i hated the winner dynamics (le coq sportif) . and especially i hated it when two people had to choose alternating who was going to be on the team and who not. because then there where 4 or 6 on the loosing end. and these dynamics can ruin a whole day for a child - it sometimes ruined mine, too, because i hated it so much - the game wasn’t fun anymore. in a sense these dynamics produce hierarchy, as i saw friendships splitting up over matters like that.
  12. ☀️? while it’s not identity that should be radiant - identity is to turn inward see outward how everyone is only trying to survive. i always hated games in school sports where someone had to loose or win - there are other forms of games. the problem is that rules define the game, and society plays after certain kinds of rules.
  13. for manipura i have three sigils two of them are more a joke and are left to reflect on the third one might help to do that.
  14. is it about the law of unattraction again? i‘m wondering if that‘ll happen for you? how cute does she have to be, is a photograph enough? also never eat jellyfish or it might happen.
  15. i wonder more if the personality types are can be ordered in a contradiametrical way on a circle. if you would go after the spiral you‘d need to order them after inner game outer game as usually the colours change from being more selfcentered to be more social to more selfcentered to more social, alternating. so how does that fit with assigning the extroverted type to the whole first tier and the introverted to the second tier?
  16. i‘d say that it could be something that fits if you manage to integrate some of the traits of every type, but somehow for an infj it would mean there is esfp at turquoise. and probably the order would change depending on the type someone starts out with. while people also start out on different colours of the spiral. if it was really a special personality trait that made up turquoise, and there wasn’t a chance changing some of your coaping mechanisms, it would be impossible to reach turquoise for some personality types. what stands against the thought that people can evolve. so it’s doubtable even though some personality types might have an advantage before others. thanks it’s interesting to make that connection. ?
  17. i think that would in a sense be possible if you could use the types like the development stages. in a sense if you’d try to adapt to different coaping mechanisms of different types you might also adapt to some of the traits if that would be possible and by that you would maybe find out that people in higher spiral dynamics colours might not stick to one coaping mechanism alone and use different thinking types and don’t really fit into one of the types alone, even though having an underlying thinking type they where born with and grew into.
  18. you guys don’t get it it’s da-ta!
  19. nothing wrong, but not everyone has had naked drawing in school and some people just get confused seeing half naked meat on two feet’s walking around. it’s basically the difference between having an unpacked chockolate in comparison to a packed one. haunting for potential victims. did you ever try it with real exhibitionism? most people will run away... there is nothing wrong to it but you see, people react although you are in your pink bubble of selfdeception. does someone know this guy who always pulled of his shirt, what was his name again?