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About Adid

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  1. What do i do now? I can't stay focus on a task... my mind is running aroud... How can i balance things out...
  2. Hey. I was in my car alone driving in the forest. And i started seeing my car iterior lights so beautiful . Then the treea and the sky lookt so beautiful and i started laughing. I was still drivig but it was not thinking about driving.i was soo easy. Cars that pased me by.... i was flying . Then i looked to my handsand it looked like they are not mine . That i'm not a body. That i have this body to use it. I continue to drive home for about 40 min. All time amzed about all the beauty and about how can i move my body. I arived home ,looked in the mirror laughing. I was full of joy. Then i fall aslep still laughing. I selpt like a baby Next day i wake up full of live,energy,present,stoped some bad behaviours... I was full of live for 90% of the time from that moment(~7 weeks) . Until one week ago that i start reading online about things like non duality , enlightenment..etc Now i'm again in my head. Not knowing exactly what was that.. Can someone explain to me?..