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About shapeshifter

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  1. Thanks everyone for replying and I was worrying unnecessarily. She did the test for me the day after I asked her and she sent me the reports and she is HIV negative. I am so happy and she said she could do anything for me ?
  2. I told her that I am a virgin but I didn't ask her if she wanna take the test but when I told her that I wanna take the test then she said that why should I even take the test when am a virgin. I am really worried that what if she get offended if I ask her to get tested?
  3. If she refuses to take the test then should I make love with her or not?
  4. You are right. I am a virgin so should I take the test as well?
  5. I am a lesbian woman?
  6. I am a lesbian woman and I like girls and I am in a long distance relationship with a girl and she lives in another state and we love each other a lot madly. I think she is my soulmate and I wanna spend the rest of my life with her and so does she. So she is gonna visit me after a few months and we wanna make love. I don't know her from any family friends or mutual friends,I just randomly met her on Instagram and she said that she had relationships with two boys and one girl prior to me and I love her a lot and so does she. So I don't know that if she has HIV or not . So should I ask her to get tested before we make love? And she will only visit me for 10 days on my holiday vacations so it is hard to get tested at that time because it takes 3 days for the results to come. So should I ask her to get tested in her State and only show me the reports? And what should I do if she refuses to get tested when I ask her?
  7. I am really curious to know about Leo's views on Homosexuality because he never made a video about it. I hope he makes a video about it and it's connection to spirituality
  8. I am really curious to know about Leo's views on Sexual orientation and the Kinsey Scale. I hope he makes a video about it because I haven't seen Leo talking about Sexual orientation in depth and I think it's a very important topic to discuss
  9. What do you mean by the code of the page?
  10. Hey everyone! I quit Facebook about 2 years ago and I feel really good that I quit it because I didn't liked it that much. Although I love Instagram and love to post my pictures on Instagram about my travel adventures and stuff. But lately I am feeling that it's becoming a hindrance in my studies. To be honest it is really posing as a distraction and really distracting me from my studies and I am an engineering student and very passionate about my career. And I have no other social media except Instagram and people in my college really make fun of me that I don't have social media but I don't care for their opinions to be honest. So what do you guys think should I quit Instagram or use it maybe once in a month?
  11. Thank you to everyone above who gave such amazing suggestions,I would love to hear the views of more people on what should I do and stuff?
  12. I liked the fact about Leo's videos is that he gave me an understanding about how to do self mastery and how I can do personal development. I have always been eager to do self development work but Leo gave me a direction and also the motivation to do it. I have been severely depressed as well but he showed me the path and got me out of depression. I was so hopeless in life but his videos really helped me with everything in my life. The most important quality I am looking in a friend is honesty and a bit of love and understanding. They make fun of me because they got to know I am gay and they dislike gay people because not only do they make fun of me but they also make fun of other gay and trans people. They also make fun of plus size people and also the teachers and professors and their values don't match with mine at all because I don't bully people because I respect and accept everyone no matter how they look and I don't gossip and the most prominent difference between me and them is that I don't gossip at all and I hate it when they gossip and badmouth about other people on their backs. I do not want to be open to people,it is that they are very nosy and dug out information about me by any means.
  13. Hey everyone! I am new to this forum and I am from India. So the thing is about a year ago or less than that I think I came across and my life totally changed in this one year. I was so depressed that I was thinking about going to a psychologist. I was so down and was doing really bad in my studies. But after I watched Leo's videos,my outlook towards life totally changed and I tried to implement what Leo used to say in his videos and it benefitted me a lot and I started doing really good in my studies and went from a 6 GPA to 8.5 GPA in my semesters. I am so thankful to Leo. And I am still trying to implement the advice Leo gives in his videos and it's benefitting me a lot and I am improving drastically in every area of my life. But the thing is sometimes I feel really sad and the main reason behind that and behind my depression was that I am a lesbian and I like girls. So I came out to my family and they love and accept me which made me really happy to get their support and love because they mean a lot to me. Although people in my university are not that cool with it. They think this is wrong but I know deep down that loving someone is never wrong but they think that love should only be between a man and a woman. But I don't care what they think to be honest. But the thing is I am not being able to find friends who accept me for who I am or with whom I can share my feelings and there are LGBT groups in my city but when I went to the LGBT events there I also felt very uncomfortable there and didn't fit in and I also don't fit in in my university. I can't change this city because only 2 years are left for my graduation and after that only I can change the city. I don't know what to do and it's really hard sometimes and it feels lonely when nobody understands me or when I can't relate to anyone. And I also never had a girlfriend. Although I loved a girl but it didn't work out because I also attended a few classes with her but then she migrated to some place else. I feel very lonely sometimes and don't know what to do? What do you guys think what should I do?