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Everything posted by and_gr

  1. I consider sport the only way to physical well-being. I think that you mustn't train over your forces, just start from beginner core workout and you'll feel positive shifts right after the training! Do sport regularly and you will get rid of negative thoughts and become calm. The sleep becomes deeper and the mood improves, not to speak of body. As the proverb says - moving is living.
  2. I can advice you to try home remedies first. For example, eat ginger, asparagus and try out thicker condoms. If they don't help, look here other ways to fight premature ejaculation. The exercises from there helped me, and I believe help you. Have you consulted doctor? I won't advice you to take any pills if you're not sure about the reason of your problem. May be you're in stress or it's something with hormones.
  3. I know a really healthy and safe hack: take a warm bath with herbs and eat one apple before going to bed. May be it sounds crazy, but it really works!
  4. I'd liked to have the possibility to fly, as it's an incredible feeling of freedom