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Everything posted by James123

  1. because all is you, nothing else. You are not the body, nothing is inside of it.
  2. @Chumbimba rumi, krishanamurti, peter raltson, osho, shadguru, tolle, ramana maharsi, Alan watts and many more.
  3. thanks. Great video. Perfect shortcut explanation.
  4. @Tim Gardner you believe that you are human, your family as image teach you that. Close your eyes and stop imagining
  5. @Eren Eeager be humble as nothing, share and love as everything. Spirituality is heart of moral development.
  6. @JayG84 additionally, love brother. Love everything because it is all you, if you do that godliness is permanent
  7. @Mu_ right behind of everything right? it is so sneakyy
  8. @Chumbimba lol close your eyes, where are you? Is the life exist, if you are not aware of it? Good luck brother much love
  9. I am aware of what i am, which is awareness itself. Sometimes i as awareness watch the body or play the main character in the game thats it. This is not even happening now all is your dream, just words, just you Right in front of you
  10. @JayG84 just imagine you are using vr butyou are aware that you put vr on your head as nothing but aware. You are watching yourself. It can win all the oscars beginning to end. Specially, best acting that you are not god, you are totally convinced. Who could be better actor. Lol
  11. @Chumbimba where are you in the brain?
  12. That's the thing..I think God is the present moment/Existence. I see it as a numb/null thing that is just doing it's thing Not something that might have intelligence Right in front of you in the moment. There is no differences you move your arm up or down. Whatever you do is you. Intelligence is it, ignorance is it. It is infinite. Nothing can run away from it
  13. @Javfly33 first question should be what am i? Or where are you in the body? You think you are human, because you learned (existing, reality, being alive or death). How do you know even learning is possible? If i am not aware, you can be never exist for me, if you are not aware, i can never be existed for you. Therefore, whatever you are aware of in the moment is you. Close your eyes, you will be nowhere. Its all you
  14. High dosage of shrooms are too powerful. whatever changes dont matter. Everything is god and perfect.
  15. @Javfly33 god is not good or bad. It is everything. If you want to suffer as god just suffer, nothing wrong with it. Additionally, realizing that you are god, i would choose to have fun. What about you?
  16. Hello everyone, Last 3 months i have been working on awareness. Every time, I recognize that i am running by thoughts, i dropped it, did 10 push-ups and be aware of the moment. It is super boring, but, it is just a thought Results are crazy, i feel more less within the body, feel timeless, days and nights are too long ( it feels like they never start even time), meaning of duality fades away slow by slow, and additionally i got 3 times satori moments, which directly opens my vision and convince me this is completely dream. Satori moments are perfect glimpses to get rid of the thoughts. Because, it is just so clear, 1 second completely out of so called reality. As much as i get rid of the thoughts, nothingness increase, which includes full love. I can clearly see that love is not a feeling, it is the source. Thoughts are prison. Infinite love is outside of the thoughts. And the wall is so thin. If you love more, it will be more thinner. We can never be able to control what will happen to body, we just try to protect it with thoughts. But nothing is under control. You just need to think a moment when it is necessary and body do the rest. I just gave up anymore. Whatever is going to happen to body, it will. I am going to completely surrender. Love is right outside.
  17. @Kalki Avatar i believe, most enlightened people are who is the most aware of the moment, which needs long term (years) isolation. Additionally if you want to follow beautiful path (love). Therefore, I would recommend you Rumi. Best ever. You will be love drunk Additionally once you are awake, you are awake, there is no higher or lower enlightened state. We all had the same experience, but only love and awareness make you stay higher level of consciousness and more nothingness in the moment.
  18. @SoonHei yep I dont want to be here as a main character of video game, because my favorite is resident evil. Lol Love is everywhere right?
  19. @SoonHei lol if you take personal, i am happening now in the moment, right in front of me. Nothing much. I like to be nothing in the body, everything is the smoother just watching a movie lol. It is better not to think. Rest be fun i just need ? here.
  20. You take personally before awakening , after awakening nothing is personal, because there is nothing here. So just have fun
  21. @JayG84 truth includes everything thats why it is nothingness or formless. So whatever you believe it happens within the truth. Your beliefs are something, which is exist within everything.
  22. Blackholes point out nothingness, all is one there as nothing. They just dont know how to approach it. Additionally, speed if light points out all the time is happening at the same time, which is the moment. So if they know how to approach the moment they will figure it out. Even math describes it, 1/infinite = 0, so 0= +- infinite, infinite = +- 0 even math disproves itself. Science just will get that they can not prove the existence with material (because it is not exist). But they can understand the what existence is with scientific drugs (5 meo, shrooms, lsd, dmt). They can never prove it because it is unexplainable. Science never say we can prove the god, because science is exist under control of religion in first place. Because they accepted in first place god is all knowing.
  23. If somehow, science reach the speed of light or completely understand black wholes or singularity , they can get it