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About trevorwgoodchild

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  1. Whats really important to keep in mind is that we can become self aware of our thoughts. What we think about the most brings that same thing to us. So if you find yourself thinking critically about someone or something, just be creative, and think of another thought that's positive to replace it with. The more you dwell on supporting people, experiences, and emotions the more of those you'll get back in a feedback loop. Practice makes perfect!
  2. Being the best version of yourself is predicated on actually knowing you already are. Can you answer the question, "Who am I?" with complete honesty? That's the first step, actually getting to know who you already are. Being honest about your weaknesses and strengths. Once you can have an honest conversation about who you are at this current place in life, then you can reflect, How can I augment, or improve the qualities I already have? Where can I use some improvement, and what am I already good at that I, with a little elbow grease can get better at? When you start on this journey, and begin to develop who you are, creating that inner momentum, then the outside world reflects this, and life starts to improve. All simply because you had a gut check with yourself, and are trying harder to be better. Not necessarily through force, but more like, advancing your understanding of yourself and where you can develop yourself more. Make sense?