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Everything posted by StardewValley

  1. @non_nothing Could you elaborate, please? @i am I AM I thought "disturbed" would be the best word to describe how I feel. I feel like I'm being oppressed by a dark force. I'm being held here against my will. I used to laugh a lot at the jokes I make in my head when I'm alone, but now I don't laugh anymore at them. I read on another enlightenment website that I am immortal.
  2. Here is my Byron Katie work if it helps: can i know that im trapped in reincarnation? not really how does it make me feel? disturbed who would i be without this thought? mildly better flip it: I look foward to being trapped in reincarnation My mind is in reincarnation only can i know that im stuck here forever? no how does it make me feel? disturbed who would i be without this thought? happy flip it: im free here forever I'm trapped only in my mind how does the thought that this is hell make me feel? bad who would i be without this thought? in heaven flip it: I look foward to being trapped in this hell I want to be trapped in this hell I want to be trapped in this heaven It's only hell in my mind
  3. Yeah I can see it's integrative value, meaning that you can study it so that it changes your perception of the world, like you said. But, there's a point where you can overcomplicate things to the point where you don't take any action. Rather than talking about the nitty-gritty of spiral dynamics and personality theory, why not just study them enough to get the jist and then go out and apply what you've learned? I'm pretty sure that this is an excess of stage yellow.
  4. @Serotoninluv Yes, I've read your story on another thread (I forget which one). You used to teach your students why ghosts are an irrational idea, and now you take time in your classes for your students to meditate and stuff. I don't remember what changed you but I remember how you changed.
  5. (I know this is the thousandth time I have asked this) This is the difference between green and yellow, right?: Green is basically a religion that wants to convert everyone to itself. It is a hive-mind community. Yellow wants everyone to reach their true potential even if its below green. Yellow is okay with an orange being orange as long as he is serving a good function for society. Green just wants everyone to dissolve into the community that it creates. The problem is that people cannot express themselves properly if they are all melted into a community. Yellow rejects the community because it values helping people add the greatest value to society possible in their own personal life purpose way. It's basically the same as the transition from purple to red. Purple melts everyone into the family so that they cannot express their true potential, and red is reacting to this.
  6. @Serotoninluv In that case, I should be spending time with different kinds of people. Rich, poor, gay, different countries, etc.
  7. I don't feel qualified to make this decision. If you forced me to pick, though, I would probably let the 90% starve. It's the billionares' choice whether they want to help or not; I shouldn't force anyone to make a moral decision. However, I have never been in poverty. Before I feel qualified to make this decision, I would have to spend time being very poor. I want to know physically and mentally how it feels to be starving.
  8. I don't know that much about politics; I just put my faith in whoever I feel has good intentions. However these are my views: Gay marriage triggers me (I think it's a perversion) and forcing the rich to pay more triggers me (why should they have to give up the money they rightfully earned?). I think there should be more compassion for criminals; I hate how its hard to get hired if you have a criminal record. Also there should be compassion for them because they can't help the fact that they're criminals. There should be amnesty for them. I think healthcare and college should be free for everybody.
  9. For me it was a scary experience. I don't want anyone to go through the thing I went through on that day.
  10. @Joseph Maynor I think I would benefit more from practical steps to take. There must be a reason why I'm having so much trouble understanding the spiral (aside from the fact that I'm probably deeply stage green).
  11. I think its time that I stop being a spiral dynamics zombie. I'm probably not the kind of person that should be studying it in the first place. I should let myself naturally flow and move up the spiral without actually being aware of it.
  12. @Joseph Maynor If what you've described is yellow, then what is orange? Isn't orange about being responsible for your own wealth? Is it that orange gets trapped in the waves of society, while yellow is moving its piece strategically in search of freedom?
  13. The purpose of this thread is to indulge in spiral dynamics like its your favorite tv show. Sometimes when someone loves a tv show, they will read every page on its wikia (wikia is like a wikepedia website about a specific tv show, video game, politics idea, etc). This is the same thing. Well, I love to read about spiral dynamics and would talk about it all day if I had people to do so with. I could be projecting but I think that Joseph Maynor feels the same way. Yes it is, but it's still how I feel.
  14. "You can make someone happy just by uttering a single sentence!" This one got me.
  15. You should stick that first video in the yellow examples mega thread.
  16. This is mocking the excesses of green:
  17. @Pilgrim I could have worded it in a way that sounds neutral and intellectual, but instead I chose to be radically honest. Here is my attempt at the neutral and intellectual wording, for laughs: Everybody has a certain "state" that they feel good at. If people are in their state then they feel good and stay the same permanently, because it is basically their purpose in life. Most people's states are mediocore such as being a plumber or a pizza delivery man. They are happy there and that's fine; the world needs plumbers and pizza delivery men (although I would advocate for a vegan alternative). However, there are also people whose states are higher such as a leader of a group or someone important. These people, like everybody else, feel uncomfortable until they reach their state. They need to gravitate towards their state and won't feel comfortable until they get there. They also won't fit in with people of lower states; they need to gravitate towards other leaders and such, which can take a while. It's like a drop of oil at the bottom of a cup of water; it has to gravitate all the way up through the water to the top so it can be with the rest of the oil.
  18. I agree. Dating advice should change the root of the person instead of changing their outside. It should change who you are from the inside out.
  19. This thread is mental masturbation.
  20. There are two kinds of people: the typical people who are basically just walking dead the people who are rejected socially at first and are confused until they start their self-improvement journey and such and end up being the real winners in the end. This group was never comfortable with the normal standard way of living. They always wanted something bigger. That's why they never fit in with others.
  21. Why would I ever want to transition to yellow? Green seems so nice. It's all love and femininity.