Bernardo Carleial

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Everything posted by Bernardo Carleial

  1. We gotta be careful with trying to fit every category into the SD Model, it is not black and white... Manipulating systems can be done even at vMEME Red, the thing is, as you evolve in the Spiral, you start to embody these principles in a more healthy and sustainable manner... A person at vMEME Orange/Green might understand the concept of Systems Thinking, they might even apply it into their field of expertise, but to really grasp the significance and implications of that level of thinking and management, in their own lives and their surroundings, I believe that comes with Tier 2 vMEME Yellow.
  2. That's right. The ego smells danger everywhere The egoic sense is always tingling...
  3. Disclaimer: this video may contain disturbing images, viewer discretion is advised. This video is quite raw, but really shows the "behind the scenes" of nurses who are working in the frontline of COVID cases, it's either shocking, but also a lesson of empathy, and how we're all on this together, if we want to prevent the spread of the virus, we need to embody some of the good aspects of vMEME BLUE citizenry, and follow the instructions of the W.H.O, like wearing masks, keeping social distancing and, of course, TAKE THE FUCKING VACCINE!!!! that action can literally save lives!? Take care, all of you...
  4. It is cute, and yet instructive ???
  5. I would like to watch a Leo's video about post-modernism, both its strengths and its weaknesses...
  6. Oh, now I get it... thanks @Ananta
  7. @Danioover9000 Yes. Brazil decided to go for AstraZeneca, they represent the majority of our vaccines here, Pfizer came only later, and it is more for booster shots
  8. That's because of undercounting my friend. India doesn't have a very robust infrastructure to keep track of the number deaths, specially after the collapse of the health and burial system, after they got out from their nation-wide lockdown, and went through their next wave, I don't remember if it was the second or third. In the case of Nigeria, which struggles a lot with corruption, the authorities will have no problem in keeping deaths unrecorded: " Africa it is only Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia, Algeria, Cape Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, Seychelles and Mauritius that have what are called functioning, compulsory and universal civil registration systems - known as CRVS systems - which record deaths." BBC News Brazil almost went down that path with Bolsonaro(our current president), he was trying to meddle in the way the Ministry of Health reports COVID deaths, but our institutions were too conscious to allow for "that kind" of corruption to happen, so the supreme court decided that the Covid death rates should be reported by the local governments, and being compiled later and released to the public. Which explains why India has a lot more number of cases than Brazil, and yet we surpass them in number of deaths(we are second only to the U.S. ?). "Our World in Data" is a very good a trustworthy source of information, however, they get their source from the countries official records and then file into a huge database, if the governments decided to count differently, they'll have a lot of difficulty to fact-check...
  9. You're right, and I take back my argument on that. However, it's undeniable the effect these vaccines are having on providing us with enough antibodies to prevent the lethality of this virus, and, on a collective level, helping us to achieve herd immunity in the long run. As Anthony Fauci said: "Omicron, with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody, those who have been vaccinated and boosted would get exposed. Some, maybe a lot of them, will get infected but will very likely, with some exceptions, do reasonably well in the sense of not having hospitalization and death. In contrast, those who are not vaccinated are going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this" Here is the article:
  10. No, because still today there are vaccines that could be taken annually, like the flu and tetanus for example, and in Brazil(my country) these vaccines are administered for free by the government, so why would I be conned? Yes, with COVID we're having booster shots, but probably for controlling measures, so they can prevent the virus from spreading too much and creating new variants. Less people are being hospitalized now thanks to the Vaccine, the ones who are from the risk group or are anti-vaxxers. To point out these things and conclude that we're being conned is simply begging the question..
  11. @Carl-Richard Are you trying to "go meta" with your explanation? Cause that's the impression I got from....
  12. Children are very immature on many subjects that they end up learning, like math and science for example... However, I agree that the way this content is presented today may not be suitable for kids... The reason why this content is not being adapted for children is not necessarily because it's difficult or complicated, but because our vMEME Orange culture doesn't perceive that as being a valuable skill in our society. and I totally agree with you on that.
  13. Can someone explain to me what "Comfort Care" means?
  14. I got OMICRON, and it wasn't that bad for me, but I also took into account that I already took two shots of AstraZeneca, I'm relatively young and I'm not part of the risk group...
  15. There's no demonization here, that's why I love this forum, because basically everything is up for discussion, however, I don't think your thinking right... It seems to me that your taking the part and substituting for the whole, this virus is real, and not because I got COVID, but also friends and family got it, and some of them even died for it, so countries have to fix that issue "as fast as possible", and therefore some of the wealthiest countries went on a race to develop new vaccines that makes people immune of the virus, but, unfortunately it took longer than we've had already predicted... And because of that systemic problem, the economy started to suffer a blow, and (here is the catch-22) BECAUSE of the implications of the pandemic, the growth of many countries has shrunk..
  16. @AnantaYes, it's very brutal indeed Yeah, I heard a story like that too, in places like Ohio and Colorado, due to the lack of nurses, some of them got COVID too... Already done, thanks buddy!?? I'm not from the U.S... so these institutions I'm referring to are not coming from first hand experience, but I have some friends who live in US and Canada.
  17. yes and yes It's like history class, we start learning that stuff since we were kids, by social pressure, but if we are willing to study this subject later on as adults, we have a much more integral and nuanced understanding of what was going on at those historical times...
  18. meet the Mosuo, a vMEME Purple ethnical minority in China, who lives in a Matriarchal Structure.
  19. Harry Wittgenstein's Adventures on Language Games