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About roberthenry

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  1. Probiotics is really a good multivitamin. It helps to lose fat and prevent mental illness. So, I advise to go for this multivitamin.
  2. I studied about Alzheimer’s disease which is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Many researches says that it comes from genetics but I am bit confused because all researches vary from one another. I want all your views on his deadly disease so that other can also become aware of this. I also welcome their treatment if anyone is familiar with it.
  3. Hello Everyone! Heavy metal toxicity is a very heating subject for doctors these days. And while studying I found that it can damage our nervous system. I want your reviews with proper reference and research based links if any one have which helps all others to get good and authenticated info here.
  4. We need a magnesium because it helps to maintain muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heart beat steady, and also helps bones remain strong. Taking magnesium in proper amount might help to improve your bone mineral density also.
  5. Does anyone know about Heavy Metal Poisoning & Lead Toxicity? What is it? What are the causes, symptoms & how it affects our body? Explain in detail which is easy to understand also.