Ibn Sina

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Everything posted by Ibn Sina

  1. What you are doing is completely fine. Of course we all should think what other person might think before we say it, instead of speaking whatever comes to mind, because that is a recipe of needless drama and too much suffering. For example if I post whatever the hell I want in this forum, if I just insult people because I don't care whether they will like it or not, then I might get banned from here. So yes, we should think what other people think of us. Sometimes I get warnings in this forum because my brain is not able to correctly guess whether what I write will be bad according to the moderator or not, in other words, I fall short in the guessing game of what the moderator might be thinking and hence I get warnings, this means the skill of thinking what other people may be thinking is more important, not less. However, here's what you have to know. You , the person reading right now, is a valuable person who has his own rights, his own needs, his own wants. And you need to assert that. What you should do is- Think what other people might think of your actions. What you shouldn't do is- Act according to whether other people like what you do or not. That is the thing. You need to assert your own beliefs, rights, wants to the world and not become a punching bag to the world or a people pleaser or do what the world wants you to do. They don't want you to live the way you want, the world instead has a desire to control you and they will keep trying to do so as long as you allow it. Fight back. Assert. I know sometimes the road can be lonely, but it's the only way to live a good life. This problem arises to people who are just too nice to the world. Don't be. The world is cruel, the world deserves your wrath, not your niceness. Almost everyone starts the way you have started because that behaviour comes from the innocence of childhood, but sooner or later people realize their mistake and leave this beautiful but painful way of life, and they assert themselves and become a normal healthy person.
  2. I have not reached the end of learning. I am a life long learner who has interest in Medicine, Physiology, Anatomy, Surgery, Gynecology, Obstretics, Pediatrics, Biochemistry , Pathology, Pharmacology, ENT, Opthalmology along with Politics, Philosophy, Spirituality, History, Chess, Music , Literature, Religion and Writing. I learn every single day, 10 hours or more. I am a life long learner. Can't you even understand the meaning of the things that I write? I said 'THE END', not 'end of learning'. You have misunderstood the meaning (which is not that hard to grasp) and you say 'how can you say' to something which I actually have not said. You should develop the practice of reading more and understanding correctly, if you always get new meanings instead of the one intended, then it will be troubling for you in many areas of your life. This is my prescription for your 'ailment'. May be you want the stupid, cliched answer which is 'death' which was told by Benjamin Franklin (a founding father US who also studied the nature of electricity) in one of his cheezy quotes. I thought of not answering this stupid question but I guessed you would reply with "You have not answered my question" instead of the bigger issue going on here, I am playing by your rules.
  3. Is breathing a skill? Is puking a skill? Is jumping a skill? Why do you think repeatition is a skill? It is not. All you have to do is, do it again. That's it. Don't get confused. What do you mean 'not only memorize?' I did talk about, learning how to ride a bike by practicing, learning conceptual stuffs by 'memorizing it' (includes both hands on practice, and memorizing cognitively). So what do you mean? What more is there? If by 'not only memorize it' you mean, developing new ideas like Einstein not only learned physics but came up with his own theory, then 'coming up with ideas' doesn't count as 'learning'. It means he has the creativity, intuitive ability, to come up with new ideas. There is no formula to be learned to create/manufacture great ideas. If there was, then it could be learned by people like you and you would be getting nobel prize. But such things do not happen. Pressure for what? No one is pressuring me to do anything. Who said I had only theoritical knowledge to differentiate memory and skill? I have practical hands on knoweldge and it comes from me doing it, not reading from a book I am a skilled bike rider, I have also learned the skill of playing piano, I have learned many clinical skills like anterior rhinioscopy, posterior rhinoscopy, epigiotomy, Examination of optic nerve, olfactory, occulumotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, hypoglossal, learned the skill of General examination like Inspection, palpation , percussion , auscultation, I have learned the skill of percussing the lungs, palpating the liver, spleen, I know the skill of finding the anterior chamber depth of the eye, I know the skill of Rinne test, Schwabach test, Absolute bone conduction test, Gille's test, Hemlich manuever, Valsalva manuever etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc These are all skills which are learned by doing not reading a book. I have learned these skills by doing them on patients or friends. This is not theoretical knowledge. How did I not answer the question? You asked - is learning a bike from memory? I said it is a different kind of memory which is stored in cerebellum. It is not theoritical knowledge, theoritical knowledge is stored in the cerebral cortex, premotor area with the help from hippocampus. Knowledge by doing is stored in cerebellum. That is what I answer but apparently you were not able to understand because of your lack of education and knowledge.
  4. I didn't say every learning is like storing in cognitive memory (learning a bike is a kind of 'muscle memory', stored in cerebellum). I said ''revision' which when it comes to learning a bike(skill) is practicing over and over again. Don't misunderstand what I am saying. I did write - "Learning is all about revision, whether be it be memorizing facts or learning a skill." I just tried to condense all forms of learning into the word 'revision' but this word contains both motor and congnitive activities, my emphasis is on repetition. I should have wrote- repetition. Basically I mean, revision/practice/repeatition etc. In Physiology, I have already learned about the types of memory, classification of memory , the mechanism of formation of memory, sensitization, potentiation, where the memory is stored, what changes in the brain happen in long term and short term memory.
  5. That doesn't count as learning. Learning means taking in an information from outside source. There is a difference between 'learning' music and 'creating' music. if you are creating music , then that doesn't mean you are 'learning' music. You are confusing the 2. You are basically confusing learning with creativity. Those are 2 different things. You should properly 'learn' their meanings because apparently you are confusing the 2. There is a difference between 'learner' of programming and a great programmer. A great learner is a sponge, a great programmer might have less knowledge, but he develops new ideas. Just because you have learned a lot doesn't mean you can come up with great ideas. This is why you are confusing learning with creativity because you don't even know what learning is. Read the dictionary. Howard Gardner has the theory of multiple intelligence. Footballer might be 'The bodily kinaesthetic' intelligence. From a Medical/Physiological point of view, a footballer might have a well developed cerebellum , as it is the place for fine movements and motor learning. But also it's very complex. Because in football it's not just about practice, it's not enough to know how to shoot a ball or dribble, but intelligence is also key, specially when it comes to position play and manmarking, great passing, prediction, through ball (Think Andrea Pirlo) etc. I don't know much about football, but I can say that a great footballer will have very high level intelligence, not low intelligence. A football manager will need even more intelligence.
  6. Learning is all about revision, whether be it be memorizing facts or learning a skill. THE END.
  7. So I have this friend, who previously was very nice to me. He used to be a very non-aggressive, naive , shy type of guy. I used to admire him a lot and even made it clear when I wished him Happy birthday in a great manner in facebook that got 6 wow reacts in a row from my friends. A few days ago, he and I suddenly met. Then we had a chat. But the chat turned into a conversation where innocently it looked like I was all bragging about myself and became a very a high status person. It was like this- ( All that I have said is true. He asked questions, and I gave the answer. But those answers weren't to put myself on a high stature) He asked about my brother. So , I said he was a doctor, he earns a good amount of money. We also talked about me being an author, who has sold his many novels. We also talked about the new book that I am writing. We also talked about my 'hit' comments on twitter and facebook that often gets 1000 to 2000 likes. We also talked about my brother having 3000 followers in twitter. I told him- you should also engage in something else then medicine. He also has lesser height then me, and probably doesn't look as good as I do (probably) Also, I have flings with the prettiest girls with our class, which he hasn't and he is seen as a beta male, naive, shy type, goody goody type of guy. All these things came about because of he asking me these questions and I answered. Then for 2-3 days, he has been acting in a way that angers me a lot. As I was walked beside him, infront of girls he said that why I was walking with a crouched posture and said I should have a better posture. Yesterday, he talked about a comment of my which got 1000 likes but I had made a sexual joke about Kim Kardashian. He said I lacked character, and should also have sent a naked picture of her. I got angry and decided to avoid him as much as possible, then as I was walking with my friends today, he comes to me, and starts making fun of me saying- I was carrying such a huge bag. I wonder what is in there. But I wasn't carrying anything much, but still he had to say it and somehow put me down. I responded all 3 in a joking, lighthearted manner, like 'we are just friends' manner. The thing is, I am an egotistical person. I am a no-bullshit guy. I don't do well with the 'roast each other' type of friendship, I only have friends who talk with me in a logical manner. And the other thing is, he and I are also not that close. We talked with each other may be 3-4 times a month. However, for 2-3 days uptill yesterday we 'suddenly' met with each other, had a chat, and he started acting jerk. I got angry so decided to not walk up to him to chat, but today he himself came and again set my mood off. So , I would like to ask, what is going on here? I am planning to scold him from tomorrow if he tries to put me down again, and throw away the 'we are just friends, we roast each other' bullshit. Because I am not that type of guy and everyone knows that. But for some reason he is putting me down. My guess is, he is jealous of me. There is no other reason. I have 5-6 friends who I chat regulary, happily, who never put me down, but here he is who for the last 3-4 days is putting me down. I am sure he is jealous of me. If he puts me down I will scold him.
  8. @remember Siddartha Gautama/ The 'Buddha' was probably a real man who was born in Lumbini in Nepal. 'Buddha' - is an honorific title given to the one who has achieved full enlightenment. The Buddhists have their own complex criterias. I think ' Buddha' might also be a spiritual body. But I am not sure what that means. Sure his spirit lives on. But I still I don't think I fully understand.
  9. Ummmm I am not sure if Buddha was influenced by the Hindus Gods. Is it written somewhere? I think that Buddha was a Hindus by birth, but I don't think he 'personificated brahma' as you say, but he must have been familiar with the Hindus idea of 'Moksha'(Liberation from cycle of birth and death), he knew about the ascetic and spiritual practices and the ways to attain altered states of consciousness and samadhi, and the concept of yogas, all of which have their basis in Hinduism. Also, 'Brahma' is also not considered a great God in hinduism. Almost no one prays to Brahma, there are no temples for Brahma, it is said that it was Brahma's fault that brought all this maya and the world into existence. The greater Gods are Shiva and Vishnu, where Shiva is like the main founder of all these yogic and meditational practices. But I haven't read about any influence Hindus Gods in Buddha's life. Buddha was a radical, he wasn't a reader of hindus scriptures, he developed completely new concepts out of no where as he sat in the Bodhi tree, but I think the only Hindus influences he had was the spiritual practices that he did which inevitable have their roots in Hinduism.
  10. Oh yes, brahma brahman they are confusing terms and I also get confused. Ofcourse I was talking about 'Brahman' and compared it with 'Sunyata'. I wrote Brahma which is a mistake. Brahma is a God in Hinduism and that is different from the metaphysical idea of Brahman.
  11. Yes you are right, there is a difference between sunyata and brahma and I wasn't saying Brahma=Sunyata, but I am saying that they are similar ideas and like positives and negatives. wikipedia says , Sunyata is "the tenet that "all things are empty of intrinsic existence and nature " Brahma is "the highest Universal Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe" They are similar because both give a comment about the nature of the 'universe' or 'everything that exists', but they are different in that one is a negative other is a positive. You are right, buddhism gets a different emphasis.
  12. But I find great joy to be with my friends who are like me. It doesn't create any anger as you are saying. What creates anger is when someone comes and puts me down. Sorry I can't do that. That is not the problem,. I get my self esteem boosts in fb and twitter. My friend is having problem with that. If you read my post, it's not about me being angry, I am asking why is my friend putting me down. I suspect that he is jealous. I just want a confirmation. Anyway, thank you for your input though I have objections with it.
  13. As you said, so this is the 'problem' that you have with me. I have written about this on my 'The fact is , you all (60-70%)' post. I have some more to add. If you have problems with other people behaving egotistical, then that's a sign of deep unconsciousness. It's the reason why people don't like other people making progress. It's unconsciousness 101 and is worse then being egotistical. Because why should you even bother if someone thinks they are great or not? Why should you try to put them down? Answer- deep unconsciousness, and the reptilian brain seeing a threat. A higher level of consciousness is you are not bothered by what other people are doing on their own, you are bothered when people attack you , but you are not bothered when some person gets a good job, is earning huge money, gets A+ etc and flaunting it, some person says 'I am smart'. If someone says - 'I am hot, smart, rich etc? then there are 2 ways to respond to that, a low conscious way and a high conscious way. In the low conscious way, the reptilian brain gets activated, sees a threat, and tries to bring that person down. You can see such behaviours from monkeys to arthropods like Crabs. The high conscious person doesn't see any threat there, because he is focused on himself. For him its like "Good, I have yet to improve so much" but the low conscious person thinks " Ah I feel so bad that he is able to do this. I must bring him down some way" You need to notice that the low consciousness sees problems where there is none. That is the problem with people like you who have 'problem' with me being egotistical. That is not a problem. The problem is , if I am directly attacking you for a reason that has none of your doing. I would never attack you just because you are being 'egotistical'.
  14. Do you even have eyes to read. I am talking about you. I myself am an accomplished student who is studying medicine and is currently on an ENT posting (which is no walk in the park). I said you people have less knowledge and less to contribute, not more to contribute. I am not projecting or anything. I would be projecting (the concept of projection, described by Jung) if I myself was like the way I described people like you @Joker_Theory. I didn't say I am not egotistical. I am. What is wrong with that? Thank you for being 'done here'. I want to give the left side of my brain a rest.
  15. You say I am a 'know it all' Imagine a hippie saying to a nuclear physicist he is a 'know it all' because he disagrees with what the physicist has to say about physics.
  16. LOL what kind of reasoning is that? I can also say the same to you. You are deluded because you are deluded and you don't know it. So profound. The rest of your argument is crap. It didn't hurt my ego since it wasn't logical enough to make me feel I had some shortcomings, and it gave me an impression that you are just hurt and wanted to say things to me , so I won't be responding to that. If you want me to respond, you will need to really logically prove that I am being wrong and I lack knowledge in some areas.
  17. The fact is , you all (60-70%) have come here to have a good time, to argue, to feel better by proving others wrong, you all have nothing good to contribute. And when I try to help people with my knowledge, your ego is hurt, because it might look like I am being smarter and you can't handle that. People like you are the most unconscious people who try to bring others down just because they are up. It's apparent from the thread, I have tried to help the OP , and you all are trying to show that I am wrong, not because I am really wrong (prove it if I am), but because you people feel bad about yourself. Good. Keep feeling bad. If you also want to learn, then adopt a scholarly framework of thinking, but I know that most of you are just college drop outs, with low academic success, who probably don't have enough concentration to read a book for 10 mins or more and has probably never read one and have messed up life who watch Netflix and other unconscious shit then reading deep stuffs and have come here to have a 'good time'. The thing is, I am snob, I hate it when when hippies on drugs come to discuss with a nuclear physicist on physics, and no one recognizes the value of the physicist because everyone's ego is hurt and they don't want the physicist doing some deep calculation while they are high on pot , it gets their ego hurt.
  18. You leave me no choice but to argue because you seem arrogant and egotistical. I have other works to do, I will try to keep it short (I doubt it). Yes, I know that I don't know how many hours they put, I am not saying I know that. However,a bullshit is a bullshit. If you write stuffs that have no value, that is not research based, but is just out of your own whim, then it can be said that you are ignorant and you don't know shit. If you talk to an uneducated person, and a literate person, then it's not hard to know who is who unless you yourself are uneducated. Imagine that you know a lot about physics. You are a teacher. You are taking their viva exam, one student comes to you and says good insightful stuffs and other student comes and speak non-sense. Now I don't know how much hour each student spent, but it can be one of 2 things 1- The first guy spent more hours then the second guy. 2- The first guy is smarter than the second guy. Can't you apply even this simple logic? You think that I am 'deluded'. Please tell me how I am deluded. I want to discuss more on the topic. For the time being, I will say you are even deluded then me. I am not going to give reasons unless you give me yours, and like you I am just 'saying it'.
  19. @outlandish Yes, you are right. But It's not that I want everyone to thank me and show that they appreciate my effort, it's that I don't react properly to someone trying to show me wrong and create 'doubt' in what I said. And the reason is, I get into a dilemma, should I spend my time refuting his arguements? Or should I leave it like that? But what he wrote makes my post 'look' like it is wrong, so should I reply him to make it not look wrong? But wouldn't that be just a waste of time? Leo's vids have very high standards. But I have to say, his forum has low standard. There is very few high quality material in here, most of them is just people giving their opinions however they feel like , passing their time, trying to feel better by arguing etc.
  20. My ego is as big as the empire state building. However, if you logically, with good knowledge and research show that I am wrong, then I accept it. I am not 'irrationally' egotistical when it comes to learning. But I get frustrated when someone just throws one liner crap and it gets equated with all the hard work and deep research that I have gone through. Any pot head or crack head can come to this forum and give their opinions, and now I am equal to them, however I have done far more work then them. What I write can be of value to the readers of this forum. It's like, Einstein wrote down entire theory of of general relativity on a wall seen by everybody, and a methaddict comes along and sprays 'It is wrong'and walks away. It is frustrating.
  21. It's almost like this forum doesn't deserve a good well informed post based on data, research and knowledge. A well educated post can easily be torn down by an ignorant user just by spitting some one liner bullshit and the value of the gem just reduces. I don't think I am going to spend much time here writing down my posts. It's fruitless.
  22. Hi, I would just like to learn more from you. What are the ways girls use to 'control' the love game? Are you trying to say, that when it comes to relationships, girls want to have some 'self esteem' that is why they don't make moves that might lower their self esteem, like- chasing a guy? Yes, this is a key idea in attraction. Why is it crucial for girls? I just want to hear your answer. What are the ways in which girls develop or maintain their 'self esteem'? Note- I have my own answers for these questions, but I just want to hear what you have to say.