What Is Death?

By Leo Gura - November 18, 2019 | 18 Comments

How immortality works

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Rebecca Sinclair says:

When Jesus hung himself on the cross he knew that it was going to hurt. In a place in the Philippines they practice putting on a passion play once a year. Nikos Kazansakis wrote a book the name of which I can’t remember, about how the coming passion play affected the lives of the villagers who selected the various roles for the next year’s play. As far as I recall the normal way it’s done in places that do this, the actors are chosen right after Easter for the following year. Anyway, here in Greece they don’t actually nail the man to the cross, they just tie him on. In the Philippines they nail him on exactly like the Romans did when crucified their criminals.

Now me, I ask for no nails and no flames please. A bullet? I’ll take one for you. My body will jump in front because I have trained my mind to do that. A knife. Same thing.  YEAH THOUGH I WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY OF DEATH I WILL FEAR NO EVIL. Nails and flames though. As a tiny girl I decided that I’d have a hard time with either of those.

So I picked up a book from my shelf that I bought decades ago and never read. The Tibetan book of Living and Dying. Oh well, not the Tibetan Book of The Dead, it was a long time ago and what did I know then. My mom is 86 and has Parkinsons. I thought that I might read it to her. I hope I get the chance if she has to lie in bed for months before she dies. I came here to Greece before I got much passed the beginning in which I was introduced to the concept of the Bardos.

Bardo is a Tibetan word that simply means a transition or a gap between the completion of one situation and the onset of another. Bar means in between, and do means suspended or thrown.

The different bardos can be categorized into four or six:

The Four plus two Bardos

1. The natural bardo of this life which begins when a connection with a new birth is first made and continues until the conditions that will certainly lead to death become manifest.

2. The painful bardo of dying which begins when these conditions manifest and continues until the inner respiration ceases and the luminosity of the dharmakaya dawns.

3. The luminous bardo of dharmata which lasts from the moment the dharmakaya luminosity dawns after death and continues until the visions of precious spontaneous perfection are complete.

4. The karmic bardo of becoming which lasts from the moment the bardo body is created and continues until the connection with a new rebirth is made.

5. The bardo of meditation

6. The bardo of dreaming

These last two bardos are part of the natural bardo of this life.



Joel says:

It is consoling to know that the Golden State Warriors’ pathetic season is an illusion and part of GOD’S infinite love.

Kassia says:

Leo, do we remember our identities after death?

Leo, I HAVE died and I know EXACTLY what death is! In fact, it is very boring, very dull and has NOTHING to do with God Almighty! We were not created to die. Death is actually, just as ‘the book of survival’ tells us, ‘a sleep-like state’.You are simply attempting to make a living and good luck with that. Be careful you don’t convince yourself, that you know more about life and death, than the author of ‘the book of survival’! It’s ALL in there FOR FREE, so perhaps you ought to take the time to consider your own options for survival. Good luck.

Rebecca Sinclair says:

What is ‘The Book of Survival” that is free? Never mind I’ll google it now before I close this reply.

I found the ultimate guide to staying alive in any situation. It costs money though. Please tell me about dying and which book you mean. Thanks!

Max Gron says:

This death you experienced to me it’s confusion, I snapped out of it, I haven’t died, I already died with all those new identities and now the old me is reborn, I took that which I truly believed in when I was chasing the wrong things and this identity, the reduction of my beliefs, is born. It’s very much what I used to be without the bullshit, it’s the slow death of changing when now I’m a liquitarian thanks to Leo’s vegetarian video, as I didn’t want to eat in the first place.

I have kicked the bucket and I know exactly what demise is! Actually, it is exhausting, dull and has nothing to do with God Almighty! We were not made to bite the dust. Demise is really, similarly as ‘the book of endurance’ lets us know, ‘a rest like state’.You are just endeavoring to bring home the bacon and good karma with that. Be cautious you don’t persuade yourself, that you find out about existence and passing, than the writer of ‘the book of endurance’! It’s ALL in there FOR FREE, so maybe you should set aside the effort to think about your own choices for endurance. Good karma.

Kalamata Rebecca says:

Hello Raj, are you and Helen the same person? You have written almost identical comments with different words. In one ‘The Book of Survival” is mentioned and a strong suggestion to do some considering are given and that the book is free is mentioned. In this last comment ‘The Book of Endurance’ is mentioned, and again it is said that the book is free.

Please tell us your story rather than just eluding to it. I will look for both names in the forum. May you know the Monkey God, learn from him about love as that is all he teaches, be prosperous, but for God’s sake, DO NOT MULTIPLY!

koray koral says:

hi Leo, if the death is that good and you know this, what is the thing still keeps you alive?

Shraga says:

I have experienced death and with it an out of body experience where I saw the light. I took it as it was not my time to go, as I watched from above, them doing chest compressions and sternum rubs to bring me back. When I came back, tears came to my eyes and I asked why did you bring me back. I had the most beautiful and euphoric experience of my life and I am ready for it when it comes again. Thank you.

Jo says:

How do you know that physical death leads to death of the ego and what it identifies with?

Frederick says:

Hi Leo

I just want to say thank you so much for everything you have done for me and the so called human race

I started following you prob 4-5 years ago not knowing that the path will lead me here.

It finally led me back to this video. For the first time i truly understood what was being said.

Now all your other videos also make sense.

The joke was on me the whole time. I was my own devil by limiting myself.

I was being selfish because i was fighting to keep my identity alive.

How ironic that death is the elixir of life.

My world had been turned upside down and i am more exited than ever to live out the rest of my days in human form.

Thank you for leading me here. This site means the world and i am inspired to help other people also realize their true nature

Max Gron says:

I think you’re one atom away from being skeptical enough, you’re not doubting the denial of death, immortality, yes, if by immortality you mean you stay lying down and have no life after death and never wake up, then yes death’s immortality, I know how the Taoist teachings work, they’re talking about nature, atheism, rather than God, therefore God is only present to a believer but I’ll always have pseudo-truths as long as I don’t have much money (and I have to keep the money, not spend it), truth, proof and happiness costs a million dollars, you don’t get these fine thoughts being bankrupt unless you had a million dollars and bankrupted yourself.

Max Gron says:

My identity is a bit different to a quirky turkey’s theories as to what my identity is: I don’t identify myself as an individual, my identity is common, ordinary (thus relatively simple), complicated, hard to be an authentic 25-year-old, ordering decaf soy lattes, patriotic, mate, ascetic, having no woman, Christian, no-bullshit, genius in an intellectual/rational way, anti-individualistic, anti-different, somewhat anti-eccentric, anti-world anti-orthodox Christian (I’m a Scotist or a Puritan), my identity should never die because losing my self is losing my life, too much change makes me sick, and people want a nice change to the point where I get sick from a single atom of adjustment, if I change my identity I won’t die, but if I lose the self I will. It’s possible when removing your biology to end up as computer graphics, as some freak and not human anymore, and what a digital projection of yourself does to survive is the things he needs on a computer to keep his character going.
What you’re asking me to do is remove what I invented myself to be, and how can you remove your own invention? You have no idea how survival works.

Max Gron says:

I don’t need to die, I died enough, I’m already dead, the childish me is already dead since I was 25 years young, I died before I’m dead a few times in my life, all my life, since I was a child I was trying not to die, but to be a live, annoying, unacceptable person, and suddenly you want the death of that?

Max Gron says:

I’m already in heaven, I’m living a sinless life, do I have to die again? I died enough times, the child in me was quelled 13 years ago, and people are trying to quell my adulthood, yes, they want that weird me from 9 years ago, I quelled it, even though I didn’t quell my weirdness completely. Formless identity? That means your identity doesn’t exist. I was never nothing, I was born always being something, believing in something, following something. My death was already made as a Puritan, I brought myself back to life, so no death is not love, it’s breaking of the commandment: thou shalt not kill, stop putting yourself to death, spirit is dead, Christianity’s everlasting life.

Max Raoy Gron says:

Do you see you became a completely normal regular person, consistent? Your idiosyncrasies are seen as a mental health issue, there’s no hope for weirdos like you used to be, you’re going to have a youthful irresponsible life if you don’t act properly. No, I’m not an actor, you’re honest with yourself although the weirdness can’t be seen. It’s the death of the individual, don’t you think? I’m no longer distinctive. It’s hard to tell, once a weird man always a weird man. You only really acted normal for six months, you’re not a consistent, typical, regular guy, it’s no wonder you’re not neurotypical, that’s why I tried even harder to be normal. And as for your death it should be the death of your quirkiness, the death of that self of yours that was trouble.

Max Gron says:

Getting back to the original subject, my death is the death of the childhood me, and the life of my 27-year-old me, that part never dies and it will linger in your mind once I’m gone. I don’t identify as a self anymore, but I think this death Leo talks about is the end of your self, if that’s the death he’s referring to. This’ll make my life better. But the beliefs of death from religious people they don’t know what they’re talking about, it’s a lie, undoubtedly a nice lie but a lie nonetheless. I identify with being religious, philosophical, and a regular guy. And understanding city culture what’s wrong with that? It’s necessary that I get Chokito, Sirena meals, strawberries, bread, and Pasta Gogo.

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