How To Detox Heavy Metals

By Leo Gura - December 30, 2021 | 5 Comments

A detailed guide for how to detox lead, mercury, arsenic, and other toxic metals

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Megan says:

Been waiting for this one for a while, love it.

Frecher Dachs says:

There’s a german word for doctors that treat their patients in that “oh-maybe you’re-just-imagining-that”-way you described. The word is “Larri-Farri-Arzt”

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vorsicht rechts

Kyle Woodworth says:

when detoxing you need to “cage” the metals so that they are excreted and not simply moved form one part of the brain (or body) to another. To accomplish this, Drop x2 NCD2 zeolite in each glass of detox water.

Tonay says:

Hi Leo,

Thanks so much for sharing! Very extensive.

Andy Cutler strongly suggests doing a hair test to determine mercury poisoning (counting rules method) as he thinks the urine provocation is useless for this.
What made you decide to go for it? Im going to test myself but find it hard to decide. The high dose DMSA for the provocation seems a bit tricky to me

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