Leo's Blog: Infinite Insights — Page 51

June 16, 2021

This libertarian basically became his own feudal lord in Belize:

McAfee was arrested in 2020 for tax evasion and also charged with running illegal crpyto-currency pump and dump schemes.

A perfect example of what libertarianism leads to when implemented in the real world.

June 14, 2021

Beyond merely a game, this video showcases two of the deepest aspects of intelligence: counter-intuitiveness and holism.

An inferior Go player cannot appreciate the move of a superior Go player because the inferior player lacks the scope of holistic vision necessary to put the move into its proper context. Therefore making the move counter-intuitive. The smartest move, seen from a narrow perspective, appears stupid. And to a fool, great wisdom appears like foolishness. Great wisdom can only be appreciated from a holistic enough perspective. Moves that seem bad from a small picture view are actually the highest good in the big picture view.

There is a deep analogy here between the intelligence of playing games and the intelligence of the structure of Universe. See, the finite human mind is unable to see the Infinite Intelligence and Love behind moves such as theft, murder, torture, abuse, suffering, pain, etc. That's because understanding these things requires an infinitely wide view of the entire board.

Consider this possibility: if you became conscious enough to see the ENTIRE board of reality, and if you played through every possible scenario — infinite scenarios for an infinite number of years — what you'd realize is that reality is Perfect exactly as it is. Reality IS always the best possible move when seen from an infinitely holistic perspective.

If you think there is a problem with the world, that just means you're not seeing far enough moves ahead. And if you're seeing far enough ahead, then you will become unable to find a problem with the world.

There are no flaws. The design of reality is PERFECT. The only question is, will you ever become conscious enough to see it?

June 12, 2021

This guy got sentenced to 1074 years in Turkish prison for sexual abuse of minors. One thousand is not a typo.

Guardian Article on Adnan Oktar's Arrest

June 11, 2021

Trigger warning: if you are a stage Orange materialist, skeptic, or rationalist, this will boil your blood:

June 10, 2021

This one's a doozy:

June 9, 2021

Watch out for this type of thing as you venture into the New Age spiritual waters:

Which is not to say that Reiki and energetic therapies can't be valid. The most powerful cults are those built on kernels of truth and helpful spiritual techniques and wisdom. That's what justifies the abuse and makes the cult so sticky.

P.S. Is it possible for a man to orgasm as a woman? Absolutely! And vice versa. But that's a topic for another day.

June 8, 2021

Peak stage Blue:

Notice the subtle ways in which ideology gets programmed into young mind. This is the core problem facing mankind.

P.S. My point in showing you this clip is meta. I am not interested in a debate about pro or anti abortion. Your personal views on abortion are irrelevant to me. I am interested in having you learn how ideology of any kind gets programmed into the mind and why it is deeply problematic. Content vs Structure. This is not a problem limited to conservatives, although it is extremely widespread among conservatives.

June 7, 2021

The topic of understanding war and conflict is actually deeply spiritual and of upmost importance to study. People seriously misunderstand why war and conflict occurs. To truly understand conflict requires an existential, meta perspective free of all self-bias — this is a task that few human minds are epistemicly equipped for. I'll have some profound videos about it in the future. In the meantime, it would be wise of you to contemplate the question deeply for yourself:

Why does conflict occur within reality at all? What is its existential source?

June 6, 2021

If you want to understand survival and corruption, study the situation in Mexico:

This is how most human beings on the planet used to survive. Those of us who live in 1st world democracies simply have no clue what survival really means.

This is Spiral Dynamics stage Red.

BTW, the majority of countries around the world are corrupt in similar fashion as Mexico. Which shows you just how much Spiral development mankind as a whole has left to do. Most people, including I would say the guys behind Spiral Dynamics, overestimate how developed mankind is. We are less developed than we think. Mankind as a whole is nowhere near stage Green, let alone Tier 2. There will not be a Tier 2 to an significant degree in our lifetime. Most of mankind is struggling to reach Blue and Orange. Appreciate the scope of the problem.

June 6, 2021

Read this crazy story of how the Covid vaccine microchip conspiracy theory was birthed:

Covid Vaccine Microchip Conspiracy Theory Explained

It is a strange paradox that as mankind evolves it also gets stupider. Some ideas are so stupid they actually become more believable because people figure: "Well... this would be so wrong if it wasn't true, so it must be true because there's no way I could be so stupid as to believe something so wrong."

I will repeat the opening statement of my video on The Sneaky Psychology Behind Conspiracy Theories: "Conspiracy theories are a dumb person's idea of intelligence."

The funny thing about conspiracy theorists is that they think they are being freethinkers and nonconformists when in fact they are engaged in peak conformity and group-think. It's the paradox of the nonconforming conformists. Self-deception 101.

None of this is to say that selfishness and devilry doesn't run rampant in the world. It certainly does. Selfishness is the true conspiracy from which popular conspiracy theories are mere distractions and false flags. If you want to investigate a real conspiracy, look at how selfishly you, your friends, your family, and your colleagues behave while patting each other on the back and reassuring yourselves that you're angels. Human society is a conspiracy of selfishness.