Reply to You have No Control over Reality

Bazooka Jesus
By Bazooka Jesus,
@Breakingthewall Look my man... I think we can agree that absolute reality cannot be put into words. Right? This means that one pointer towards the Absolute doesn't have any more or less validity than any other pointer. So the only thing that distinguishes a "good" pointer from a "bad" one is its usefulness... and how useful a pointer is depends entirely on who it is directed at. Slogans like "reality is illusion", "life is a dream" or "you are God" can definitely be useful pointers for newbies who otherwise wouldn't even know where to start their awakening journey; but they stop being useful the second that the relative validity of the pointer in question has been verified and now is being mistaken for an expression of absolute truth. As soon as that happens, someone needs to step in and say "sorry pal, but that's not it". In other words: The best pointer is always a statement which directly contradicts the belief(s) that the recipient of the pointer is stubbornly attached to. If you believe that you are your body, then the best pointer for you is "you are not your body". If you believe that reality is made of solid matter that exists somewhere "out there", then the best pointer for you is "reality is imagination". And if you believe that you are God, then the best pointer for you will be something along the lines of "you are but an infinitesimally small part of God", "you don't exist", "you is nothing but a relative concept", you are limited (and God is not)" or whatever other combination of words you might come up with that will do the trick. So you see, bickering about what description of the Absolute is "objectively" the most correct one is sheer silliness. You can twist and turn it as much as you want: All statements about the absolute aspect of reality are equally false. Which is exactly why I find all of these endlessly circular discussions about the supposed "true nature" of reality so incredibly hilarious and can never quite hide my (admittedly smug) amusement about this whole absurd spiritual clown show on here... cross my heart, how anyone can read the neverending torrent of equally grandiose and grotesque bickering that this forum is constantly being flooded with with a straight face is completely beyond me. Mea culpa, I guess!