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Higher Self And Lower Self

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Hi everyone! 

I have been working in self actualization, enlightenment, awareness and meditation  for a half a year. I used to live by my own for 5 years where I got a lot of skills and improvement in the field, but now I am living with my parents again. I lost my privacy because I have to share a room with my sister (now I realize the big importance of privacy and the benefits of it). My family has problems in codependency, pre judgments, judgments and negative energy (is very contagious).

My family are the most influential people in my life, I realized that they are the people whose I learn the most skills, my personality, energy, etc. in my life. I wanted to change that, I thought that I was prepared to get back and deal with them and continue with my jorney  in self development, but no, I am troubling with the same emotions, sensations and problems that I had before I lived by my self. I am trying to stay focus and aware in every moment but with the problems that I am dealing right now , my mind just only wants to get distracted and get a quick compensation that makes me forget about the problems that I am dealing with. I just want to get a quick release  like food, sex, money ,etc. . I am loosing confice, autostim , social skills , my focus on my life porpouse , etc. I think that my Maslow pyramid or my chakras are getting distortions, that influence all aspects in my life. I think that I can't continue with my self development.

I heard in some Leo's videos about the lowerself and the higherself, but I don't know to much about that field. Do you have any recommendations about books to read?. Or any books that you suggest me to read? I really want to continue with my jorney .

Thank you so much. 

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