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On deep and shallow thinking

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If you want to learn anything it is important to give yourself time to solve complex and really hard problems, your mind will reject every concept it does not know the need for, its meaning is simply born out of its necessity, even if you know of its word the "it" will not yet exist in your mind until it will literally be contradictory to apply every other concept to an identical situation.

That this is so is predictable by something so simple as that after having watched a movie you will be hard pressed to visualise the sets of the shootings the way you visualise rooms you have actually been in, your mind will almost without exceptions remember only what it has in some or another way solved.

This is an opposite way of using your head to when you listen to a story or a narrative (as is the mind´s prima operandi), and especially true of when you read non-fiction, where images are formed like monograms that merely represent sufficient information to put you on a next and irreversible step.


The reason I felt the urge to say all this is that I notice a lot of what I can only infer as shallow thinking in this sub-section of the forum, mystical or spiritual priorities are ridiculous excuses for it. 

how much can you bend your mind? and how much do you have to do it to see straight?

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