Peter Ralston’s take on solipsism

By KGrimes,
I am subscribed to his news letter, there was one question about solipsism and Leo, very possible that someone from this forum asked about it, so i’ll just paste the question and Peter’s answers here:   Namaste Peter,

I have a question that may seem profound. I’m sure you’ve heard of Leo Gura. He once made a video on solipsism. Essentially, in that video, he argues that there is only one godhead, god didn’t split his consciousness into everyone else they are merely empty meat-suits. This leads me to wonder: could it be true that I am the only consciousness, and everyone else, including you, is nothing but a mere figment of my imagination? Could it be that I am imagining every person and everything as God, even including my own body and ego?
  You may answer me truthfully. I won't get depressed or discouraged, but rather, it would bring me happiness knowing that others are the cause of many sufferings. You might argue that you are real, just like how the characters in a sleeping dream may claim to be real, even when questioned about it.  Perhaps they may do so to sustain the illusion of the dream, and I wonder if that's also the case with you. If you are just a product of my imagination, then asking you this question may not serve any real purpose. But I ask you regardless, as I am curious to know.
  Whatever your answer may be, I won't take it as a belief. Instead, I will continue to use what I have learned from your books—being open-minded and not knowing. Ultimately, the only way to truly know the truth is to awaken and experience it for myself. I am willing to go on this journey of self-discovery, even if it means questioning everything that I once thought was true. So, while I appreciate any insights or perspectives that you may offer, I know that the ultimate responsibility for my own awakening rests with me.   And the answer:   Gavin,
Why do people make up shit like this? Is it really helpful? It can be entertaining to consider various philosophical possibilities. Yet that is just entertainment, and at best might have a good intellectual argument behind it, but in the end these kinds of things are just conclusions or guesses or possibilities. They are not a real assertion based on real consciousness in the matter. So why would it matter for me to confirm or deny? It doesn't increase anyone's
consciousness, and no matter what I said it would be misunderstood. Such pursuits are only intellectual and have nothing to do with genuine direct consciousness in such matters. They are speculation and are worthless.
Of course you are right, you must get it yourself, all the intellect in the world isn't going to make any difference at all in such matters. But you should see the consequences of accepting on faith such a thing. One thing you miss here is that if you are creating others, then you are the cause of your suffering no matter how you cut it. Actually, you aren't creating others and you are still the cause of your own suffering. But this reality eludes you.
Clearly, I am a function of your imagination because you've never even met me and so make up all sorts of things you imagine are me or true of me. But that is really about your experience, not a universal reality, and again it is not relevant, except for knowing that you are making stuff up.
Oh, by the way, either Leo is wrong or you misunderstood or misrepresented his communication. In either case, reducing such matters to a conclusion and a mythical story only serves to distract from any reality that might be true. Only direct consciousness makes a difference.
Peter ———— So my take on this is that Ralston does not focus on various concepts that he cannot be sure about. Solipsism is something that can only be confirmed by YOU and just YOU, and it can only be confirmed after reaching full Samadhi, the God-head, one-ness.