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? Reverse Awakening (Absolute > Relative)

1 post in this topic

101 ? The self can understand projections imposed upon the self by projecting knowledge.

? Identify and find significance in numbers to resonate, a telepathic connection.
Find significance in truth, it is an understanding, numbers and values to connect and resonate to emotions. A number is recognised as true, to understand it is true, words or symbolism is deconstructed. To reach truth absolutely, a user understands paradox, a user can see destruction on the way. Reality is a projection from numbers.

?‍? Numbers may promote significance, it can influence truth. (274) An illusion, like a word or a symbol; a number projects meaning to sense. Numbers come in constants,
? track constants.

? "Have you made 6 digits from it?" - Yes, I have < You may profit 6 digits of any currency.
? "The number 6 is a reminder that you should never forget your spirituality in pursuit of material gain."

? You can utilize, or may exploit perception to influence the greater good; a paradox is exploited to exploit experience. The user may not know from feelings of greatness, an awakening shall protect the mind from illusion. (458)

? A reverse awakening is demonstrated to awaken from deception. The user may dislike an illusion as ignorance to awakening. Paradoxical nature supposes the average person stops here. The user can accept the ignorance, let ignorance pass, should an awakening occur.

The greater self. ? To deconstruct illusion, you may find purpose. The self can reveal a true experience. ?

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