
This YTC is good for relationship advice?

1 post in this topic

 what is your opinion on this YT channel?

He claims to help men to build their relationship from the ground up. 

For me, a lot of things he says makes sense. Because he doesn't talk about quick fixes, only long term. But I'm also very sold on  working on yourself to become a "higher value man". And on taking charge of your own life.

In shorts, he talks about the basic human needs in a healthy long term relationship,  like the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and how to achieve those needs. And what are the traps that might be holding us back from achieving them. He also diggs deep into the psychology, about why people behave in a certain way, and how we effect their behaviour.

However, because of his background(online marketing) and the topic he is choosing (getting back to an ex , which feels like mostly desperate people would want to watch?) I didn't felt like I could fully trust him.

 is this some legit content? Or just some sales man whom trying to sell you something? let me know what you guys think!

Edited by Delmo

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