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Unresolved trauma - Why should you pursue enlightenment

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I really appreciated your video explaning why you took down the solopsism video and I now realize more than ever how important it is to learn this stuff for yourself through experience and practice. If you just take the answers without the foundation your mind can spin it into very poisonous ideas about reality. I know that from personal experience with your content. I started doing all the practices without any sort of meaningful foundation and I had a bit of an exsitential crisis. I actually started watching the solopsism video but realized I couldnt handle it and had to stop. It still fucked me up a little bit. In the past I might have watched the whole thing and fucked myself up to the point where my life would fall apart. This time though, I knew myself well enough to realize that I was nowhere near ready to hear this. 

I love your work. I think that this expression might not mean the same to you as it does to me, but I do love it. It is unlike anything I've ever come across. I have used the tools you have given me to improve my life a lot and you were my first big step towards healing some of my trauma and my first proper introduction to personal development.

I am one of the few people who appreciate this change of direction and I think you could teach some amazing things that are not just the answers about reality. 

Video request/idea: Some practical stuff as well as some information about why I should pursue enlightenment. I also think a lot of people would benefit emmensely from advice about mental health and unresolved trauma and stuff like that. 


Edited by Mintberrycrunch

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