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Habit Journal

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Will note down my current habits, and habits I want to lose or gain.


Current active habits:



-Smoking weed and cigarettes


-Unhealthy eating

-Proper Grooming

-Getting up late and at different times

-Playing piano and practicing.


Habits I want to eliminate:

-Porn (can get very excessive but hard to quit, after few days nog fapping can only think about sex)

-Quit tobacco entirely and quit weed for 3 months, then reassess whether weed can be helpful

-Unhealthy eating


-Getting up late


Habits I want to start having:

-Healthy Diet

-Regular physical training

-Healthy sleep schedule

-Daily meditation

-Finish music every day


-Visualisations and LOA practice


This week I will focus on starting to eat healthy and getting up at the same times and earlier.

Edited by DreamVoid

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Threw all unhealthy food out today and went for a healthy grocery run.

Stocked up on healthy veggies, fruits and meats. Made a healthy meal and ate it, and made a meal to take with me tomorrow to work. This way I can stay eating healthy even when at work.

I will try to go to bed at 2am tonight so I can get up at 10am and have a relatively healthy sleep schedule.

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