Reply to I am a virgin loser and here's my questions on Leo's "How to get laid" series

By bloomer,
@Danioover9000 Sorry to break the news, you might need to take a seat for this, but yes, I am in fact a bloomer virgin loser. @How to be wise I don't just want sex I want a girl to want to be with me and I want love. Not some hooker whose only with me for my money and will treat me like a turd lol. @Shin Thanks. I did go to a bar last night. Alone, very nervous. I just sat by myself. I talked with some workers for a bit after a few drinks. Some girls asked me to watch their table twice which I did. They left a drink there and some keys (which I don't get cause why can't they just fucking pocket them and finish the drink). Why am I already an errand boy for them? I didn't talk to them really though was too nervous. I had a few drinks, two cigarettes, gave some guy a cig and then went home.    I finished Leo's third video today as well. I started the day I made this thread but got distracted by all the posts this thread received so paused and didn't come back to it. So here's my notes. "The dumber you act the easier it is to get laid." Whole point of all this attraction work is to find the right girl that you can actually grow with and self-actualise with. Attraction is counter intuitive. A lot of the ways women are attracted to men are wrong. Being nice and showering her with attention, affection etc… or bragging about yourself does the opposite of attract her but actually repel her. Women respond best to narcissism and douche bag behaviours. Women want a player who they can tame. The more of a player he is and the more options he has the less interested he is in being tamed. Women want to be the special girl for who she gave up all the other girls. If you set the boyfriend material she will be less likely to sleep with you, you set the player material she will be more likely to sleep with you. If you walk up to a random single girl and you're being attractive talking to her man to woman. You're going to reach hook point quick. Hook point means you can tell that she's interested in you as a sexual partner. Signs of hook point Allows you to touch her Has her attention focused on you The eye contact, enjoys when you make it also has difficulty maintaining it She ask questions about you She qualifies herself If she says you're amazing (they never compliment without hookpoint) She laughs at things you say that aren't even funny She follows you around Top principles of GAME 1. Go out 2. In field is king 3. Law of state transference 4. Men to woman communication 5. Don't hide that you find her sexy 6. Allow your true self to be rejected 7. Attraction is not a choice 8. Never logically sell yourself 9. Approach a girl within 3 seconds 10. Congruence 11. Build up state through rejection 12. Become comfortable in your body 13. Never chase a woman 14. Be willing to adapt and improvise (don't plan) 15. Have standards 16. Abundance mindset, don't be clingy 17. Women don't invest at all till sex (don't invest in a woman emotionally until she's invested in you) Remove any fear from your eyes. They will run away from you. That's the power of state transference. Attraction is not a choice, it's not logical. Arousal can't be negotiated. Women never fuck from logic. If a woman was in a logical mood her whole life she would never have sex. Number one thing you can do besides just going out more and approaching (well that's two things) the number three thing you can do is be as emotional as possible. Disable all their logic, scramble the logic. Turn it off. Women want to feel feminine. Whatever comes out your mouth needs to be congruent with how you feel. ACT LIKES SHES ALREADY YOUR GF What all this is developing a neural network for how to deal with and attract women. If you're in a low energy state don't lie and bullshit and be congruent. If you're shy admit you're shy, depressed admit you're depressed etc… Then you can build up your state from there. Be completely at ease, not tense or in your head. Relax your body. When you're out you should be as comfortable even in a bar or club as you are at home.
WHEN YOU'RE OUT ONLY TRY TO HAVE FUN Trust your intuition when talking to people. Don’t script what you say. Be chill, friendly, have fun. It doesn't really matter what you say. Women aren't logically. Just say shit and don't really try to make sense. Connect with her emotions. Don't plan ahead, always be acting on hunches and be able to improvise. Most results will come at the end of the night, because that's when girls look for a guy. Hold out. The difference between a good night and bad night can be razor thin so never let yourself off the hook. Newbie Mistakes 1. Not going out 2. Victim mentality 3. Don't obsess over your looks 4. Not approaching 5. Oneitis 6. Too much theory (like this lol) 7. No half assed approaches 8. The lines you use don't matter 9. Running out of things today 10. Ejecting too early (force yourself to stay) 11. Being too needy 12. Being too nice 13. Don't ask interview questions 14. Don't be her formal boyfriend and courting (start the player frame, wait till she sleeps with you before bf shit) 15. Don't be vulgar 16. Don't brag and trying to look like a super cool dude (tell her you scrub toleits) 17. Physically escalate soon (so it's not creepy later) 18. When you make a move JUST DO IT (insert Shia LeBeouf meme) 19. Don't hide your raw attraction to her 20. Don’t me a dancing monkey, be chill and normal (don't be too much of a jester) 21. Be socially calibrated (talk with her friends) 22. Go for a close (don't just be there for phone numbers) 23. Don't ask women for advice 24. Don't buy women drinks (maybe buy a drink to avoid awkwardness) 25. Don't give up early Don't make excuses to not go out. None of the women are special or magically. Drop oneitis because that's not having an abundance mindset. Cocky funny.Same thing with a gf or wife. Same dynamics at play with attraction.
To find out if it's true go out and test it.