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Knowledge And Sagacity: Inquiry About Latest Video

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I know being a sage is probably varies a lot between individuals, but I am interested in a loose inquiry on the roles of both theoretical and practical knowledge in a sage's lifestyle.

In Leo's latest  video he seems to emphasize the combo of consciousness work and theoretical knowledge, but how do we reconcile practical knowledge into the framework? Where in lies the role of things like knowing how to perform certain weight lifting movements, social skills, driving a car, fixing things around the house, etc.

Note that I am not trying to dismiss him as being too simplistic or trying to shoot him down with some naive rationalization, rather I want to refine the vision of this kind of lifestyle.


So, where do you think knowledge of some of the more mundane (for lack of a better word) aspects of life fits in with strong theoretical knowledge?

Is it to be minimized so there is more time for consciousness and theory? Is it merely for functional purposes? Is it merely a necessity to execute on the visions created from theory and awareness, or could it be an end in of itself?

In my opinion,being able to have deep conversations with other people can be just as edifying as a good book. Knowing how to do some practical things can be just as eye opening as a great new theory.

What about you guys?

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