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Guest Edvardas

I Love knowing that you know.

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How wonderful is it to rave in the ecstasy of the fact that you know what you know and also the fact that you know how much more to know there is.

And all there is to know is love. Unimaginable, Love. Just moving along, trying to figure out this incredible design of Love. Don't mind me..

Metaphysical love comes with the understanding of Love which is so magnificent and amplified with every inch more when you know that someone else also knows this. Someone else experienced this and they also know this. And I rave in the enjoyment of knowing that you to experienced this.


And I wish for us many more never-ending such trips into an eternity of Love.


How unimaginable, how unexplainable it is, yet how much do I want to share it. What is this curse?!


I want to put into simple syllables of a screen the whole meaning of the universe which God created. How silly of me to do that. But I try nonetheless.. Just because it is fun and I want to express it. And perhaps it will bring you to remembering the joy and ecstasy to one of your previous memories, which, I am sure, was filled with love ?

For me, I am amazed to see how much enjoyment I get out of the fact that I know, that you too have experienced this! So rondeaus the journey into the endless labyrinth of love.


Oh God, where is the key that unlocks all the secrets? Wait, don’t tell me the answer – I know – the fact that I don’t know all the secrets at the present moment is all part of your wonderful design. Yep. Just wanted to remind that for myself. And to you ?


So, my dear soul which reads these words, lets bask in the enjoyment of the fact of where we are, what we already experienced, and what a wonderful journey is yet ahead! Set sail! The only cost on this journey is your ego, which I hope you don’t mind losing if you are coming to love ? But where you will be mourning the loss of your ego, we will greet you in our welcoming of Love.

So as it always was until now and it will be till the end of time, and even after that – all love.

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