Low Quality Vs High Quality Consciousness Summary

Juan Cruz Giusto
By Juan Cruz Giusto in Personal Development -- [Main],
Society feeds you such little pictures of what is your purpose on life that you don’t even you what your prime directive is in life. People are so confused and distracted chasing their tails that they don’t even know their prime purpose. YOUR PRIME DIRECTIVE IS TO INCREASE YOUR QUALITY OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS (this is what growth means) and everything else is a distraction. Every single action that you take in your life is a test of the quality of your consciousness. If you want high consciousness you will need to work very hard on every action you make. So, what is consciousness? It is the degree of accurate perception that you have. High consciousness is a high degree of accurate perception. If you don’t have an accurate perception of reality you ae not gonna live a great life. ACCURATE PERCEPTION IS THE KEY OF LIVING A GOOD LIFE AND EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM YOU HAVE IN YOUR LIFE IS BECAUSE OF LACK OF ACCURATE PERCEPTIONS OF REALITY. Characteristics of low quality consciousness: -          Ego -          Self-centeredness -          Fear -          Dogma and rigid belief systems -          Little picture thinking -          Short term gains -          Blindness to backfire mechanisms -          Mechanical behavior -          Lack of love or discrimination of love -          Moralization (having strict rules of what is right or wrong) -          Projection onto other of their own limitations -          Highly materialistic (measures success by material things) -          Arrogant Characteristics of high quality consciousness -          Selfless and giving -          Fearless and courageous -          Focuses on direct experience over belief -          Committed to Truth and accuracy -          Values learning and growing -          Intelligent acting (intuition and vision) -          Creative -          100% responsibility -          Admits that there as lot of room for growth (humble) -          Big picture understanding -          Long term gains -          Really aware of backfiring -          Indiscriminate love for everyone and everything “Love and joy do not dominate our feelings most of the time is normal, but not a good sign. Love, joy, peace, compassion, humility and balance are the dominate expressions and feelings of a high quality consciousness. Your feelings and motivations always reflect the real you with perfect accuracy. So if you feel angry or upset, is not because of external circumstances but a reflection of the internal quality of your consciousness.” How to know your level of consciousness? There are 2 factors: -          The quality of your feelings: Emotions tell you exactly how you are. How do you feel right now and usually? -          The quality of your motivations: What are you pulled towards in life? Look at your micro-motivations too! Look through your day and be conscious of your day to day motivations (in lunch, while working, after working, in your free time). The choices you are making reflect the level of your consciousness. You can apply this model to yourself and to others! Questions of how to measure your consciousness: -          How do I feel in an hour to hour basis? -          How loving am I? -          How fearful am I? -          How intellectually open am I? -          How well do I govern myself? -          How noble are my motivations? o   Relationships o   Career In the end you cannot suppress your feeling and motivations. You need to get good at measuring the quality of your consciousness. The solution is to raise your consciousness! Pursuing money and sex is a low quality consciousness trait and these mechanisms will backfire on you. You need to transcend these cravings because is not even as fulfilling as what comes after them. You can be creative, you can contribute to the world, create longer and deeper relationships, life purpose. Ask yourself: -          How can you raise your consciousness today? -          How can I improve it? -          Where is it low quality? -          What would I mean to go from low to high quality in …. aspect of my life? -          How am I creating and sustaining low quality consciousness in my life? How to raise your consciousness? -          Increase the capacity to love -          Increase your capacity to feel happy -          Increase your capacity to be intellectually open -          Increase your capacity for self-governance -          Increase your capacity to face fear -          Transcend selfish and protective motives. Watch your motives as a hawk! Opportunities to raise your consciousness are constant (every 5 minutes). Look for the micro opportunities! Your entire mode of living should be aimed to raise your consciousness.
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