
Physical Activity Journal

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Want to keep the record of my workouts, training goals and progress here

Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense

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My Goals

Strength Training

- Handstand pushup

- High pullup to the waist level withiut using my legs

- 20 pullups with perfect form

- Full dragon flag


- Full pancake

- Comfortable lotus pose on each side


- Making progress despite taking accutane while not fucking up my body

- Healing chest pain

- Exploring different styles of yoga and breathwork

Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense

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Training program

Here is the main training schedule around which I am going to build everything else:

- Monday: pull + forward folding

- Tuesday: push + chest and shoulders 

- Wednesday: legs + hips

- Thursday: rest

- Friday: pull + forward folding

- Saturday: push + chest and shoulders

- Sunday: legs + hips

So there will be two sessions during the day (main workout + flexibility). Apart from that I am going to add different stuff like morning routines, breathwork, yoga, whenever I feel like it.

As far as routines for each day go, I will come up with them after about a week of experimentation.

Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense

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Starting points


- Wall assisted hspu with half range of motion

- High pull up approximately to the solar plexus

- 12 pullups

- Dragon flag with bend knees or full dragon flag with shitty form

Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense

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Haven't done anything in the morning because I woke up at 10 am and it's not fun to do a morning routine at 10 am...

Was experimenting with exercises for a leg day. Tried "box" jumps and sprints, but had some lower back pain afterwards. I guess I will have to focus only on strength and mobility for a while.

This routine for lower back pain:

And this for hip mobility and flexibility:


Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense

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Today's "pull day" routine:

1. High Pullups: 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4 (3-4 mins rest)
2. Upside Down Deadlifts: 4, 4, 2 (3-4 minutes rest)
3. Pullups: 11, 7, 5 (90-120s rest)
4. Toes To Bar: 8, 5, 3 (1 min rest)
5. Reverse Ring Flies: 8, 8, 8 (90-120s rest)
6. Just Climbing Around


- Going to keep this routine for future workouts while switching between upside down deadlifts and dragonflags.

- Comoression strength focus while doing toes to bar, trying to not raise the hips

- Focus on keeping 90* angle in the upside down deadlift starting position

- Skipped stretching/yoga session today, mainly because of laziness ¬¬



Decided to stop telling myself excuses and just did the stretching session anyway:


Edited by BornToBoil

Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense

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