Reply to Girlfriends guy friend - really a friend?

By Origins,
@VictorB02 This might just help you think about the potential evolution of your perspective on relationships. It's been a natural process for me but I don't arbitrarily really assign categories anymore as it concerns relationships. I see it as a consciousness simulation that's been created between the two people and the relations within that simulation are subject to ongoing change and progress. This is analogous to how I see myself as well and I think its really important to have if not categories symmetry between our inner and outer world and the relations between those, for example if you didn't really have a rigid identity it would make sense that your relationships with others wouldn't have that rigid identity either, what defines the parameters of that fluidity though is simply the patterns of fluidity you have with yourself; love for example, is a fluid identity that can be expressed both fluidly and in a committed way, committed is probably a combination of rigidity and fluidity with the rigidity really just being a case of the loyalty and the definitions of that govern that loyalty. Loyalty is the flip side of love then but both superimpose and support one another, with loyalty the love is simplicity and the loyalty explicit, with love the loyalty is implicit and the love explicit.  In short, I've broken out of the mould of all traditions and have relationships based on the understandings I have of reality as opposed to the understandings of culture. This point might be a really important point for you to think about how you might wish to begin the same contemplation, regardless as to how different of a position you end up in. To note the background of this subject briefly when we often speak about relationships, we often do so under an implicit socio-cultural contract, meaning we project our own cultural standards on the subject and in doing so the frameworks that govern our thoughts on relationships, when in reality, we live in a global environment now where the contract is uncertain, and many people instead of upgrading their understanding of relationships when they want to have a global relationship with reality they're instead handling that dissonance by causing themselves more suffering by more rigidly imposing their culture on their global demographic. If you want your community relationships, of which is traditional, reliable and the safe way to proceed in life as opposed to expanding yourself up to global relationships which take a higher level of consciousness and everything that goes with that (i.e. including creative knowledge = knowledge you've created yourself, second hand knowledge = knowledge you've learned from others), you of course don't need to worry about any of this really however having an insight on other perspectives of course helps us in meddling with ourselves to come up with insights on our desired perspective on pursuing things.  I now open myself up to potentially having loving relationships with hundreds of women all around the planet. ^ I've had to build up to this comment so that you could grapple with the context before I made what would seem an albeit unmistakably audacious statement, one that made sense in light of what I've mentioned. Love here doesn't mean always sex, sex is just one aspect of expressing love. I'm more interested in having a loving relationship with their consciousness, so that they can expand my consciousness and they can expand my consciousness. Love here doesn't mean always being around one another, we may only see each other or speak to one another a few times a year, but the love is real, its pure, its honest and for me its the only way to have a relationship. By isolating exactly what you want in a relationship, which for me is like being extremely rigid on the fluid structures you wish to create, and by expanding to the entire globe about how the world can fit into that narrative, you greatly improve the likelihood that you'll be able to create the stability you're looking for in those narratives. This is what I refer to as my global demographic, and some of the characteristics within that defined demographic are high consciousness, high intelligence and high empathy. What's important to comprehend here, is that the more expansive your consciousness becomes, you're naturally going to want to create a loving relationship with an increasingly greater number of beings in the universe. The only reason I would restrict myself to my local community is if my community had all of and only women that fit those descriptions, but because the opposite is true and because its the natural direction of my consciousness anyhow in terms of having the greatest impact I can have on the planet, it serves my interests to expand the horizon line of where a loving relationship can be born. As it concerns sexual exclusivity, which is what most people on the surface are talking about when it comes to a traditional relationship although in reality they also want emotional exclusivity as well, this would be something that is something that's talked about overtime and depending on life circumstances. It doesn't at all mean I'm opposed to sexual exclusivity, just that this is the foundation upon which I build sexual exclusivity. It's built on the foundation of love of all of life and fostering relationships with the most conscious beings on the planet solely based on love, the same exact love that I would devote to an exclusive relationship, so inclusive of what we traditionally refer to as "romantic feelings". It's basically the same as having a really close friendship + the romantic feelings because its a natural part of our sexual orientation, which for me is towards females. This has nothing to do with "being a player", being a player is incredibly low consciousness and whenever I see posts on this website about "text game" and "strategising" when it comes to relationships I honestly feel bad for them that they feel they need to go to those lengths rather than from a place of pure authenticity. This is a very brief physical existence in this form so it makes very little sense outside of having a lack of self understanding and self control to submit oneself to those kinds of outlets. The quicker they can come at reality from a place of love and understanding about themselves the quicker they'll be able to aid in turning what has now become a very unhealthy dating culture for many demographics. To the contrary this path is all about creating true, honest and pure relationships where you're both truly there for one another inside the consciousness space you've created within your own unique consciousness simulation. Regardless as to where you are on the planet, regardless as to what position you are in life, what matters is, are you coming at love from a place of love? Then you have the first building block for developing this kind of advance paradigm. Best.