Should I Stop Seeing My Psychologist ?

By Raphael in Personal Development -- [Main],
Hello, over the last three month I've been seeing a psychologist to help me work on myself, but I found that it's a frustrating waste of time. In more than three month I've didn't learn anything on me, and it's also seems that she doesn't like her job and has some personnal problems. There are many blanks in our sessions where no one have nothing to say, it's very awkward. I feel resistance to speak with her, our sessions never last one hour it's more 45 minutes. It seems that she is pressed to end the session. It's just like thinking alone and doing some personnal introspections, which I already does and I also meditate 40 minutes per days (10 when I wake up, and 30 before going to sleep). Should I stop seeing her ? Until now for me it's just a big waste of time that can be useful for doing other stuff.
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