Are the choices slavery, (pursuit of) freedom or death?

By AlphaAbundance in Personal Development -- [Main],
I feel uninterested in putting in constant effort just to live. However, effort seems to be a fact of life. One must put in effort to achieve physiological needs, safety needs, etc. While in current times, one has to work for money to buy food, clothing, shelter, utilities, etc, in the past, one had to hunt and gather for food (basically there was always effort to live). And it seems that effort, when not coming from a place of passion or interest, is simply suffering. There appears to be (like many/all things) a spectrum consisting of enjoyable effort (like flow, video games, hobbies, etc.) <----->  suffering effort (like chores, work, taking out the trash)         Anyway, basically all my life I have been suffering from the effort I've had to put in school. While in earlier grade school it wasn't that much effort, around mid high school, and right now in college, it's like the effort significantly increased. While before I was living financially dependent on parents, as that wanes I now have to start to support myself. This means I basically have to go to college and later have a job (i.e likely with sufferable effort of a dull, hard, and uninteresting nature). And this suffering seems unlikely to change in my life going forward as I am not that interested/passionate in any of the fields that have well-paying jobs. Furthermore, even if there was a career or job in a passionate field there would still be a heavy percentage of bullshit (dull, menial, chore-ish sufferable effort). So basically sufferable effort seems inevitable. So some of the options I have are here SLAVERY Wage Slavery Homelessness, Insecure Basic Needs      Obviously, not as bad as real slavery but it still doesn't meet the necessary thresholds. I don't know but suspect this is a common issue (consistent sufferable effort), it's not really depression (although it can cause it), self-esteem issues, or any of that. It's just simply suffering from having to drudge, menial, chore-full, laborious, boring, uninteresting work. It may be an inclination toward laziness or entitlement from a non-poor, first-world lifestyle. Nonetheless, the fact remains that I am suffering from having to put in boring/menial/uninteresting effort (to sustain my basic needs) in college right now and in a job in the future. It's not that I can't do the boring, pointless, stupid, sufferable effort, I have been working "hard" (pretty relative) at a magnet high school and to get a somewhat prestigious scholarship at a decent/okay university (Actually, maybe I can't anymore. I just basically missed a whole week's worth of assignments cause I don't think I can do it anymore). I've lost a lot of stage orange motivation after I realized it was all subjective, meaningless bullshit. (It's like I completely missed stage blue willpower and discipline, haha) To put it plainly: I HATE WORK. I FUCKING HATE WORK. ITS SO FUCKING STUPID AND HARD AND DUMB. However, it seems there are some solutions: (PURSUIT OF) FREEDOM Pursue Early Financial Freedom (FIRE) and do whatever you want Create a Business / Work Self-Employed (and maybe even as an employee if the stars align) where you are making money doing what you want           The first option works to eliminate most of the sufferable effort (in sustaining your basic needs) by acquiring financial freedom early. This path likely means a lot of effort upfront (counterintuitive haha), some enjoyable effort (such as the meaning in knowing you are making progress to long-term freedom) but a whole of sufferable effort. The second option works to eliminate most of the sufferable effort (in sustaining your basic needs) by creating sources of income that derive from enjoyable sources of effort. I doubt anyone will find jobs that will allow you to do 100% (or even 60%) what you want but maybe this is possible as an entrepreneur. Other than having a windfall (or something of that nature), these options seem like the only reliable option for this major problem of consistent suffering from effort. Although there is one last option I haven't covered. DEATH Let go of need to live End your life These seem to be suboptimal options but I don't know if consistent suffering in college and work, having a slow death as a wage slave, is better than the fast option of just letting go of life. Right now, I don't think I will ever do anything to take my life due to some reasons concerning aesthetics (haha if you know, you know) and maximizing all options (just in case, the other option is always there, you know?) but still if I continue to suffer through this effort who knows what will happen. As of right now, it seems I will strive for the freedom options and if it doesn't happen within a reasonable time period I may follow the flowchart to the death options. However, even with the freedom option, there seems to be a lot of sufferable effort and uncertainty. Death really doesn't seem that bad considering the alternatives. If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Please share your thoughts (and any feedback on the post/writing). I may try again with a shorter post if nobody reads this.  Tl;Dr I fucking hate work. I'm too lazy to do anything. I think I might drop my scholarship, drop college, and drop the urge to live as well. When the options are effort for freedom, the effort of slavery, and the easiness of death, what should one do? Please share your thoughts and insights. Some questions to consider are For those who don't want to work to live, is death the only path?  How do you have a purely effortless, if not low effort yet still rewarding and optimal life? If one is unable to put in the effort or any effort to survive should they kill themselves?  If pursuing freedom is uncertain and a lot of suffering of effort, should one just choose death? If someone fails at pursuing freedom, should they just end it all? What is the ranking of the paths of slavery, freedom, and death? Are there other choices? Are there other paths/options? Is this a common issue or just laziness/entitlement in not wanting to work? What are your perspectives? What is best for people in general? What should I do? What is best for me to do? 
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