Reply to I Consciousness should know all minds simultaneously

By PopoyeSailor,
As I once read in Tamil literature during my school days, that even direct experience without proper knowledge through proper authority is dangerous and will lead to ignorance. If consciousness is so powerful that it can create infinite diversity within itself, ranging from infinitesimal to infinite; absolute "Non-Dual-Unity" to "Dual-Diversity"; What makes you think that there would be no infinite in-between Possibilities/Realities/Truths as well. Just like, under normal circumstances it is impossible for an un-awakened person to get convinced, understand and realise about non-duality; it may be difficult for the awakened person who has lost the sense of self to meaningfully put an effort to understand and explore these other possibilities. For him Non-Duality is his reality now. But, in order to understand reality in it's full, one has to go beyond the Non-Duality and Duality to be able to see duality and non-duality as simply another dual pair only, and also in absoluteness they are the same and not different from one another. I think extremes of any truth/reality in and of itself is useless. It is always the in-between in which all the action takes place and the real juiciness of life and reality is experienced. As far as mind reading is concerned, I believe it can be done and I think it has something to do with the third eye. Anyway.. As I mentioned about the stories in yoga vasistha in my previous post, here is one: Parakaya Pravesha is power of entering into body of another person through Yoga.
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