Benefits of Astral Projections and Lucid Dreams hardly anyone knows about

By GreenWoods in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
(OBEs: Out of Body Experiences include:  LDs: Lucid Dreams, APs: Astral Projections and STs: Soul Travels) I bet I've listed some you haven't heard of: Psychedelics: You can materialize and take 5-Me0-DMT in lucid dreams and become enlightened or take sth like N,N DMT and have a fun trip.   Meet ups: If you are advanced, you can go into other people's dreams or meet other travelers in dreams, APs and STs    It is possible to induce full OBEs in less than 10 seconds. If you are able to go into the hypnotic Esdaile State and anchor it, you can enter it in a few seconds, and if you know what you're doing, you can relatively easiliy induce OBEs from there. For example Marco Lorenz can do that.    It is possible to pull someone out of their physical body while they are sleeping. Marco Lorenz and Jonathan Dilas used to this with the participans of their seminars (I believe Jonathan is still doing it). During the night they would pull them out of their physical bodies, then astral travel together, and on the next morning share their experience and notice a huge overlap.   You can talk with your guiding spirits, real aliens, deceased people, spirits,...    Splitting your consciousness: You can split your consciousness in LDs and APs (and probably STs as well), thus be able to inhabit many independent bodies having independent experiences at once. This allows things like inhabiting a male and female body and then having sex with yourself. And most importantly, it allows you to experience far more in the same time. If you have an OBE for 5 minutes and inhabit 5 bodies, you experience 25 minutes   Time Dilation:  - In LDs: You can deliberately dilate time in dreams and thus experience for example 1 hour of dream-time in 5 minutes of Earth-time. It is possible but very difficult. - In APs: Time is relative. You can for example project to a place where 1h Earth-time equals 5min or 5h. For example Marco Lorenz once projected to a paralel reality and stayed there for 6 months while only 8 hours passed in Earth-time.     (video is in german) Here I wrote in more detail about splitting consciousness and time dilation:         OBEs during the whole night. Usually when someone has an OBE it is during the day or when you are in REM sleep. So you usually have alpha or theta brain waves. It is generally believed that you can't have OBEs during SWS (Slow Wave Sleep / deep sleep, when you have delta brain waves, 0.5-4hz). I'm not 100% sure yet but I believe OBEs are also possible during SWS, here are my reasons: I have heard several people say/write that it is possible and that they have done it Tibetan monks are able to stay aware during the whole night, including SWS. They (including the Dalai Lama) are aware of Awareness, thus a nondual state. So if they can be aware of Awareness then it should also be able to project onto a plane with a body. Soul Travles (STs) are said to happen when your brainwaves are in 0-0.5hz, that is even lower than what happens during deep sleep. So it's not only that it seems that OBEs are possible during low brainwaves, but that certain OBEs, STs are only possible with very low brainwaves. That means you should be able to project the whole night, 8 hours each day, that makes 29 200 hours after 10 years. 99.999% of people waste that time.   Extra Time: If we combine the last 3 points: Splitting consciousness + time dilation + OBEs during the whole night we get an incredible amount of time which can be used for all sorts of things.   Soul Travel: I don't know much about it but it is said to be far more epic than astral travel   You can explore our actual physical universe and the past. This for example allows you to check in your direct experience which conspiracy theories are true and which are false. But you would need to be extremely careful, because it is very easy to see something which is not actually there but created or distorted by you. So you would need to be very advanced and do a lot of cross referencing of what other advanced OBEers report.   Future. You can view probable future scenarios of earth. And you can see how different timelines of your life would develop depending on what choices you make. So for example you can preview the most likely scenario of what will happen in a week or in 10 years if you now choose job A versus job B.   Explore paralell Realities   Explore all of Creation. You are God so you should be able to explore all of Creation, be it past present or future.    Escape the Matrix: All advanced OBEers I studied say similiar things about that topic. Their investigations made them come to the conclusion that we live in a kinda simulation, a matrix. The Matrix includes many astral planes, so after death, you are still within the Matrix. First you go through a tunnel and a white light, then you meet deceased people and some Guides, then after a while you get an amnesia shot and then are sent back to earth. That's the reincarnation cycle. Aliens created the matrix so that souls can have a certain experience, like being human. (There are obviously many many more Matrixes). All advanved OBE practioners I looked into (John Kreiter, Don Juan, Carlos Castenada, David McCready, Jonathan Dilas, Marco Lorenz,...) agree that this is the case, even scientists and people like Elon Musk believe we live in a simulation. Now, the matrix was actually a good thing because it allows souls to have a particular experience, but many researchers believe (including the OBEers John Kreiter, Don Juan, Carlos Castenada and Jonathan Dilas) that it was hijacked by malevolent aliens a couple of thousand years ago. If you know what they have planned for the upcoming years, it might be worth considering to leave the matrix. There are several possibilites: Don't fall for the Light Trap. Instead of going into the light after death, you search for a hole (which looks black) in the artifically set up grid and escape through it. OBEing allows you to verify for yourself whether this is true and it will probably be easier to escape if you are an OBEer, but it is definitely not necessary  You create a double body while still alive and make it more and more solid (through having OBEs with it) till you can transfer your whole consciousness to it and then  just leave your physical body behind for good and then try to escape the Matrix. Read John Kreiters books: The magnum opus and the way of the projectionist. Dissociation. Jonathan Dilas talks about that as another option. (you can google-translate his blog: Become enlightened. Religions tell us that you break the reincarnation cycle by becoming enlightened. It is believed that the soul will continue experiencing, it will upgrade to a different plane. The question is whether this plane is within or outside the matrix.    Acashic Records. You will have access to the acashic records, thus to all knowledge   become enlightened. Tibetan monks use dream yoga (LDs) to become enlightened    Inhabit and control another real body. You can temporarily go inside someone else's body and live in it, as if it were your own. This is definitely possible. This usually happens in form of an agreement. 2 beings temporarily exchange their bodies so that they can explore the world of the other being. For example if an alien from another universe wants to explore earth, it can astral project to earth, but it can do more things with a physical body than with an astral body. If it happens involuntarily then this could be considered demonic possesion (if someone is demonically possessed they usually still have some control though)   Download skills. Leo said that when you are super conscious, you would be able to just download skills. I believe you don't even need to be super conscious, it's enough to be an advanced OBEer.   Do magick during OBEs which will affect your day-life and physical reality.   Healing: By asking your subconscious, or aliens or guiding spirits, you are able to figure out the root cause of a disease and then tackle it (in case it has a psychological root)   Have long whole-body orgasms     And then we have of course the more well-known benefits: Personal Development: In dreams you are directly in contact with your subconscious. So this is obviously very valuable for any personal development work Fun Practice any skill Practice the Law of Attraction and make it more effective ...   I believe OBEs are the key to mastering all of life.  And the key to OBEs is deep hypnosis like the Esdaile State. I will soon make a post about that.
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