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Leo, so what next? )

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Leo, first of all, I am happy about your beautiful experience. )

Though you seemed to be sort of confused. Which is totally understandable. What's next? Is it pointless? Shall I teach? How can I experience at least what I've just experienced? Is DMT the only way?

Leo, you've got all answers through your journey ) What made buddhas, jesuses, etc themselves? - Natural super skill of compassion. Love. So what to do - develop that skill. How? By practicing, of course, how else ) You know that everyone moment you've got an opportunity to love - with DMT or without )

And about teaching.

Leo, as you now know that god is perfectly conscious about these games we are playing here (or you are playing with yourself if you want) - it all makes total sense. Why? Because it's also god of course and it's beautiful ) And by teaching you to teach yourself of course, but also you interact with implicit order - think about it (to me you've missed something in Holographic Universe). So please continue for.. the god sake )

Resume: everything is quite simple ) As you now understand how god is infinite and always more - the only thing is left on a table is a process. A way. An infinite way of learning and growing in love. And shining for others with these love and light of knowledge )

And we, of course, will support you )

Thank you for what you do!

Love you )

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