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Significance of snakes in mysticism

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I was watching a couple of videos and made a very interesting connection that I would like to share 

In this video sadhguru talks about how snakes are extremely perceptive of higher dimensional realities and have a much stronger connection to realities beyond our own. He also states that if higher dimensional beings ever show themselves to you would probably take the form of snakes and that they are not an mere illusions. He says religious traditions all around the world depict snakes as being very important. This is extremely fascinating to me because sadhguru has never done DMT.


In this video Dakota of the earth discusses how large numbers of people encounter cosmic serpent entities on DMT upon entering DMT realm, but doesnt understand why. 

In this video, 434 explains that machine elves basically take these forms like snakes because they need to in order to communicate with us. They explain that they basically take a part of our personality and mainfest themselves so that our human brains can comprehend them. This includes taking the form of cosmic serpents. This also ties in with Leo's video he posted on his vlog on how all understanding is metaphorical. He explains how mystical experiences are communicated to us in a way that our human brain can understand like through metaphors and symbols. This is how our brain operates and it is why someone who is deeply religious may experience a mystical vision with the gods or figures that they identify with, since the brain has to interpret the new information coming in into someting meaningful. this is why a christian might see jesus in a vision or a hindu might see ganesha.  This is exactly what the machine elves also explained,. It seems like all of Leos recent teachings are exactly the same as what the machine elves teach, which validates a lot of his ideas even further. 

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