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Personal Growth Is My Life

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This is my new journal. The reason am doing this is because I can't change the name of the title on my old one. And I don't want my journal to get confuse with someone else.If your reading this Leo than make sure you add an update where you can change the journal's or any topic title if you want to. *Edit*= Well I just learn that all I had to do was just click on edit first post to change the title. 



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The start



If you don't know me already. I recently turn 17 years old 6 days ago. And I have this plan to became the best version of myself in life. I plan on using this journal to hold myself accountable and write what happen on the day and anything interesting. If I fail than I will have to write about it, if I succeed than I will also write about it. I basically can not let the self actualized community down. 

I did 1 hour of meditation today during 7:08 PM-8:08 PM. It wasn't all that perfect, my dog scratch the door made me jump. My thoughts won't quiet all the way. And I got disturbed during my 1 hour of meditation. I did the do nothing meditation because it was the easiest to do and strong determination sitting. Of course my eyes move, I wasn't that perfectly still but I was close to being still. And I only had some periods of quiet silence while the other periods had music in my head.


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Cleaning my room and ugh...


Well today I cleaned my room by throwing away old school papers that I don't care anymore and will be doing the same thing tomorrow. I didn't start my meditation until 8:59 PM-9:59 PM this meditation had noise in the beginning but was quiet throughout the rest of the period. I did the same as yesterday. The first part of this meditation I was very still and had little thoughts in my head. The second part my eyes were crying, well not really tears were dropping out. I was still though. Even though water was dropping I did nothing.

I also should say that the day went somewhat fast. This is not what I want though. I plan on making tomorrow better and not being late to anything. I wasted my time watching videos, making a logo for this account and other things.

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Better than yesterday


     I meditated for one hour today.  At the beginning I had noise in the background, but that went away. Later on I realized that I didn't sit correctly and my legs went in the cross-leg position but one leg was more above than the other and this created a feeling that got uncomfortable but later on got numb. I later got disturb during my meditation. Mom ask me for oak milk mix with other fruits smoothie. So I had to talk than get back to meditation. Of course went the alarm ring after the oak milk smoothie was finished and I got a reward for dealing with a uncomfortable position and my right leg getting uncomfortable. I should also say that at some point my body start moving by it self. It was swaying left to right and than went all the way down right but I force myself to get back where my body was. The meditation was also not perfect my stomach move up and down but I manage to survive the unconformable leg sensation.  

Small term goal: watch all of Leo's videos

     I watch Leo's new video today on mediation for beginners and benefits of enlightenment, and also the secret curse of being a human + bonus a true spiritual exercise. I don't know how long this will take me to do. I could watch one video a day and it will take about 3 months or watch x amount of videos and get it done much more quicker.

I also wasted the day by watching random videos on youtube again. And did a little compulsive eating. Most of it was fruits (banana, and watermelon) but I did eat a little chips today but stop soon after. I also throw away more papers from my 9th-10th grade year and will finish when I want to.

What I plan on doing tomorrow or after a certain amount of present moments. Is learning something. Watching self-help videos and finish reading these self-help books that I haven't finish in over a year. Stay tune for tomorrow         

Edited by PeakPerformance

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way better than yesterday 


Interesting event of the day: Learning how to code.

Yep, I sign up on codecademy and did the make a website course. I only did the first lesson but here is what I learn: <h1> is the heading there are 6 types with <h1> the biggest and <h6> the smallest, <p> is for use for non-headings, a place where you write the information, <a> is anchor and is use to make links to other websites I have to use href (attribute)  <img sec is to add an image <video for video, unorderlist <ul> list item <li> <div class="main"<h2>subheading!</h2>, </div>, metadata tag:provide metadata about a webpage, parent/child elements: used to describe HTML elements that enclose or are enclosed by other elements. ul is the parent and the li  are children.

Now this does not mean I understand how to code yet or what the first lesson thought me. I still am confuse on <div class and found out there's alot more to coding such as the main.css and index.css which is what I have to work with. Of course when I'm done with the codecademy courses that still does not mean I understand this. To fully understand this I will have to make my own projects,websites and apps to see if I totally learn. And after researching a bit on Quora I found out that the best site to learn how to code is Freecodecamp. I was also doing the same thing 2 years ago on khan academy but quitted when things got too hard. 

Medium length goal: Learn how to code(this may take a while) this could also be a long-term goal if it takes that long.

The meditation section was better than yesterday I sat with my legs in the correct cross-leg position, no unconformable sensation this time. My body also again move by itself again but it was a lot slower and closer there was some parts where I had to force my body to gradually go back to normal. My body was also swaying forward to backwards instead of right to left which did happen to. The forward and backwards start slow than increase in speed and got somewhat quick. 

small term goal: watch all Leo videos: I did'nt watch any videos today. Sorry actualize community i'll do it tomorrow

I also play a videogame today. I am almost done with it I just need to level up and do some leftovers and defeat the final boss. I also woke up early than yesterday this time at 7:2x something compare to 9:something yesterday. It made the day last longer and I had more time to do the stuff I want.

There was also this book I was reading call quiet the power of introverts on my tablet . I am almost done with this book. I should be able to finish this tomorrow. This book was digital and pdf. I unfortunately can't find the download link anymore. This book took over a year to finish compare to the book I read last year in a much faster time span. How to talk to anyone 92 little tricks for big success in relationships. I mean I learn some stuff, but it was stories than how to do it. This was also a pdf.

I should also say that this post took over an hour to write!

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Interesting event of the day:drawing with my left hand

Today I drew with my left hand. Now this is not the first time I did this. Back in Nov. of 2015 I was busy writing with my left hand when in class and even drew some stuff, but at one point I was coping the notes with my left hand and because it took over 3 hours to write slowly and neatly, my hand start to hurt at around the 1 hour mark. The whole thing took 3 hours and by than my hand was hurting really bad all red and there was this mole on finger that turn bright red after doing all of that. It later went back to normal but this mole still exists it didn't before I start left hand writing like crazy. What I drew (very slowly to make sure its neat) was a house, chimp, tree and,basically a basic picture and later color it. (This was today not nov.2015)

medium length goal:becoming ambidextrous( I would have to practice and take breaks to not hurt my hand. At some point the hand will not hurt but will become my right hand.) I want to became ambidextrous by the end of the year or by Sept 2017

I would say that I'm cross-dominance on some tasks and right handed on drawing/writing.


My meditation section was the same as usual 1 hour. Things went well, my body move very slowly and stood in place for most of the time. The only thing that could be improve on is my thoughts. But I rarely thought of anything during my meditation section, it was just music in my head that I had to deal with. The music sometimes stood the same and than change. I also got some periods of silence but it didn't last that long.

Coding: I didn't do any coding today

I watch one Leo video today.(The secret-the truth they didn't tell you) Now I don't know if I want to keep writing about what Leo video I watch today.

I should also say that this journal forces me to meditate and do personal growth activities to write about stuff in here. Now of course before I start this journal I was meditating back when the year started but miss a lot of days due to having to sleep early for school. Sometimes I mediated for 5 mins during the night before school if I had to sleep early or did a full x amount of minutes on a planned day.

I also finish reading that book, now I can start reading my next self help book.




Edited by PeakPerformance

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This website forces me to meditate 


The website forces myself to mediate. I have not miss a day since I started this journal 5 days ago. The meditation experience was ok. The first few minutes were fine. Then my body started moving backwards and forward. Not right or left. And sometime later my head start spinning towards the left. I rarely made any thoughts in this meditation, but the music in my head was crazy, it stood the same for some minutes than change to something else and so on. There were some periods of quietness, very few seconds though. My right eye start to tear up like crazy and drop tears. my left eye did the tear up part but a lot less of it. I should also say that for the past 5 days I been meditating with my eyes open but I been focus on small white dot on the wall. And sometime lose focus. My eyes also get foggy while meditating. If I want to improve my meditation experience I will have to close my eyes and see what happens.

I did no coding, drawing or reading of any book just wondering from video to video to article to article. I started with mole readings to Sadhguru to traveling than japan than to yahoo answers to quora to some blog. I mean, what happen? (Yes I actually find this funny.) I guess its easy to do, just read or watch, no work involve. But I want to grow, not become a low-conscious person. I guess I have to hold myself accountable and use the forums on the other websites to grow in other areas in my life as well. Or better yet became aware of what i'm doing and tracking the time. The day also went fast. I have to learn new things or experiences to make the day go slower. But some people saw to make the day go slower,you look at your clock. While others say. A year is 100% of your life at 1 year old compare to 23 years old when its just 4.3%. The time still go at the same speed but our brains make time go faster or slower depending on the situation.


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Close eye meditation and unexpected things


I did my meditation experience by closing my eyes. The time was still the same (1 hour), and this meditation was different compare to the past 6 meditations I done 6 days prior to now. By closing my eyes, the air couldn't get into my eyes and my right eye didn't get all watery. Well it did sort of when meditating with my eyes close but it was nothing it was just inside. My eyes did not get foggy or basically in a tear up, where water starts to come out due to being still and the air hitting your eyes. Another thing about this meditation is that my body was a lot more still. And not swaying or moving forward or backwards as much. Now my body did move, but it was very little motion. My head move a little bit but ended. Another great part of this meditation is that I had a lot more quiet silence in my mind. There was music in there but that ended in some parts and came back. The music wasn't all that bad expect in some parts. After the meditation ended I felt real calm and some what light to say.

I had a unexpected day today. I had to spend some time spending at my grandma's birthday party at a restaurant. It was just me and my family.

Another thing is that I started reading How to became a straight A student by cal newport. This book is more than a guide on how to beat college and finish with straight A's. Here's a summary on what I learn by reading the first two charters: Pseudo-working is when you work in a distracting environment and study long hours and do it in low-intensity. To study and get work done in shorter period of time you do high-intensity. You study one hour very high intensity, than take a one hour break and than study one hour after that. And keep on going base on how long the work is.

You will need to also have a time management system to do this. It not as bad as it sounds because it actually works. You'll need a calendar and a list( you need to be able to carry your list with you). Record all your to-do's and deadlines on the calendar and use the list if you have to write something down and than transfer it to your calendar. Label your to do's with a specific time period when your going to complete it. Be reasonable. Group the little tasks in one big block.(10:00-10:45 mail letter, clean out the trash, return book, buy new item.) Make sure you leave time for breaks. Don't put work when you about to go to sleep. You will need to relax and unwind. If you can't fit all your to dos for today than move them for tomorrow. Have a things to remember list where you add new to do's as the day go on to your list.(This can work if you don't have energy to write down the test that's starts next week on the calendar but you write on the list on the things to remember and transfer to the calendar later.) There's more to this book I'll write another summary if I read it tomorrow.

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Staying Accountable


Meditation: One hour of close eye mediation. The body move almost nothing during this doing. But I did made my body move though motion. Because my eyes were close and I didn't know if my body my perfectly straight or not. I also think I lost my awareness and got distracted by my thoughts... well I don't have any thoughts just music stuck in my head. So I have to be more present and aware.

Introducing the discipline counter system

Discipline counter:                                                                                                                                                                                     Me losing:

Now the plan with this is to make sure I did all my learning, hobbies or fun today and not get distracted. So for example if I have to read a self help book, ride my bike, do a push up, learn to code and draw and meditate for the day, I have to do all of that in the day and make sure its gets done. Usually I give myself 1 hour to do one task at a time. Now it can't be like this forever.Because when I go back to school in the fall my schedule will change and I can only do one thing in that day while the rest of it goes to homework or meditation. And of course I'll add new things such as studying a different language. And I may change the time to something shorter or something longer if I want to do more or less. Of course today I got distracted but still managed to do the stuff I want to do.

I spend some time watching videos on calisthenics and after seeing what is possible with calisthenics vs weight lifting. I'll most likely go with calisthenics because I get full flexibility, get to be creative with my exercises and do multiple muscles groups at once. Now I'm just beginning and sense I don't have money to go to the gym or any useful dumbbells to work with. As for the leg muscles I will do spilting or biking to cover those. Well there is one 3lb one and a 10lb dumbbell that has dust on it in the garage. Another thing is that I'm pretty skinny so I need to the muscles even though I can run decently and can bike fast. 
I was also watching a video on how to do a push up correctly. The reason for this is that I want to do a push up the correct way and not damage any muscles. Of course I have to start all over after discovering I was'nt doing them correct even though the last time i did push ups months ago.

I also spent some time coding at freecodecamp. And its a lot better than codecademy because there's a lot more tasks to do and more information on the code I I'm working with and a forum.

Books: Here's another summary on How to be a Straight-A student: Ways to beat procrastination: Plan #1 keep a work progress journal: Use a journal to write down the most important tasks of the day. If you finish all these tasks, write all completed. If you didn't finish all the tasks than record this in the journal. If you use ink than the journal is a huge blow to your ego if you didn't finish the task for today. Because than the evidence is there. Compare to you thinking "oh well". Plan #2 Feed the Machine. You will need to feed your brain the energy it needs to perform at peak potential. Drink water constantly, have a water bottle next to you or make frequent trips to the water fountain, Monitor your caffeine intake carefully, treat food as a source of energy not satisfaction, Don't skip meals. Plan #3 : make an event out of the worst tasks. If you have boring work to do, than go somewhere where there is no distractions and just work, tell your friends so they will know that your studying and you can't leave the area until you finish studying. Plan#4 Build a routine. You should identify one hour from your weekday that is free and use it to do homework. Than have a week to do the homework( Monday-Tuesday:history,Wednesday:math) Plan #5 choose your hard days: Choose a day where you just do work and grind though it. Make sure you do it in advance instead of waiting the last day because than you can focus on the homework for one day and than do it on another hard day and get more of it done. Another thing is to tell friends that your doing this so that they will know and you can't talk to them until you finish your homework.

This journal entry took over an hour an half to write. So I need to think about if I want to be as detail or not. And add to the fact that I had to do spell check, grammar fixes, revision on some parts and delete some text out to make it more clean. Another goal for tomorrow: Get to bed by 9:00pm 9:30 MAX I need to sleep early and wake up early if I don't want my day to go away. And if I decide to be specific than I don't have to worry about my sleep schedule. END: I am now off to bed. After brushing my teeth and flossing them/ watering them. The time is 11:46PM EST.



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*note: I feel like was homework yesterday because of all the stuff I talk about yesterday. I mean, do I really need to talk about the bathroom trip I took and the food I ate. Well NO, this is a personal growth journal NOT a write about what happen today journal. I also think that writing about what I was learning or doing sometimes takes away the passion I have for this and makes it into a daily homework section that I'm required to do just to get better at life. This is better than going to high school and dealing with homework and theory learning. And the kids that you have nothing in common with.*

Less is more(sometimes)


Discipline counter: 1                                                                                                                                                                                     Me losing:

I did my coding, my drawing, no pushups sense my arms hurt from doing bad push ups yesterday. I was going to ride my bike but it was riding by the time I want to ride my bike. 

My meditation was close-eye and 1 hour. I meditated next to the closet door and was more aware than yesterday. My eyes had this sensation at the beginning but that went away. My back did hurt but the pain went away.  I did read that book today but I don't feel like doing a summary. I probably do one when I finish the book.

Goals for tomorrow(tomorrow doesn't exist just the present moment so I have to wait present moment after that present moment or present moment 5000 to do what I want to do.) Meditate 2 times in the day. TIME:8:59 PM EST.

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Discipline counter: 1                                                                                                                                                                              Me losing: 1

Well nothing went the way I wanted things to go today. Things could have got done if I woke up from bed when my eyes were open at 6:57am, but I ended up sleeping for more time I also could have woken up at 7:58 but no still slept for more it wasn't until 9:00am that I woke up. Even though I slept at 9:46 yesterday but it took like four hours to fully sleep yesterday.  Another thing is that my mom took me to shopping today so that wasted some time out of my schedule. But I did see some stuff that were interesting to me, so it wasn't a total waste. Than by the time I got home I wasted more time by watching videos and reading articles about the education system in the us and the indoctrination that happens. It's not that bad of a waste because the current education system is to conform students to society, steal their creativity and be obedient to authority. They teach you to be smart to run the machine but not enough to think by yourself. Of course not all teachers are like this. I also did no real tasks so that why I lost today.

My mediation started out normal than my mom said good night to me so I had to talk a little bit, but after that everything was going fine. At some point in my meditation, I was doing so good at not thinking of anything( even though there was music in my head but it was very calming) and my body being very still with no movement expect in some parts but recover very quickly. I thought I could have gotten very deep with this mediation but then I thought the alarm went off, even though it didn't. I was hearing the alarm outside of my head, even though it was quiet sounding. The real alarm would have been so much louder. And I try going back to my meditated state but than I had to go to the bathroom because my body was about to poo, sigh. In total it was 41 minutes of meditation. That's still better than nothing.

I also did 1 mediation today not 2. TIME:11:10 pm "Oh well maybe next time"

I will give myself a new max of sleeping by 10:20PM

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Better but not quite

Discipline counter: 1                                                                                                                                                                              Me losing: 2

 I could have gotten things done today if my emotions did'nt affect me the way it did today. I overall just did'nt felt like doing any personal growth. I was cleaning my room and getting rid of school papers that takes up space in my room. Usually my room is clean, but the school always wastes paper I and I keep them just in case of studying or test . School has now ended 2 weeks ago and I am almost done with this.

 My meditation experience was ok. At some point during the meditation the computer turn on after being in standby mode and I thought the meditation time was over the time limit sense no alarm went off. In this case I stood quietly and kept my eyes close still meditating and when the alarm went off I was glad I did'nt get fool at thinking the alarm wasn't going to go off. My back was hurting a little bit at some point while meditating and I did have some points while I was just being aware and silence.

  For the next day I will be slower and more calm and aware because in the awareness alone is curative video. He talks about being aware to what your doing and feeling and being observant and watching whats happening while doing your own thing. I agreed with this because you will stop more easily after being conscious of whats happening around you.

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Neutral day


Discipline counter: 1                                                                                                                                                                          Me losing: 2


I really don't know if I lost or won the day.

Because I was busy coping the doodles and mini drawings that I had on the school papers to a single sheet and using more if I ran out of space and than throwing the school paper away. This is just to keep ideas just in case if I want to use them. My brother than ask me to play a video game with him so that wasted some time. After that I went back to just coping and finishing a section before throwing away the school papers. After that I start to code again. Than after finishing 1 hour+ of coding, I got off task with stuff related to what I was learning but in different areas. Later on I did one section of my driving course online, just so I can prepare for the driving exam and get my license. I could have got this done at 16 but I waited too long. Then I was going to meditate but my dad started cooking and I waited for that to end and just ate the food and finally started meditating by than it was 10:20PM and I did'nt finish until 11:20pm

Meditation: It started fine, and I had a few moments of awareness and quietness. This time though I created a bunch of thoughts and kind off got lost in them. My back start hurting so I had to endurance that. It wasn't really that bad though. Unfortunately I did'nt stood aware today, I kind of let the day happen, oh well. 


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                                        Did some stuff forgot about the other

Discipline counter:1

Me losing: 3


I went out for a walk to the park. And did 3 laps around it. This took about 32 minutes so that gives you an idea of how big the park was. 

My meditation section was calm and peaceful there was music in my head but that went away. 

I continue reading how to be a straight a student but did not finish it.

Other than that I wasted the day again.

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Meditation section day


Discipline counter:1( I did do my meditation section [two in fact!] and read two charters of that book and did 5 incline pushups/ walked 3 laps around the park). The only reason I will fail this day is because I did'nt do everything require for this day.

Me losing: 4(If I don't succeed tomorrow I will be force to say I fail)

I did 2 types of meditation today. The first was this guided meditation from holosync and while I did the demo, my body was very still and my mind was quiet for the 20 minute period. Then I did my regular do-nothing meditation for 1 hour. And it started out fine. But later on it turn into breathing meditation. I was breathing through my nose to mouth and this cause my mouth to be sightly open but close. My body was very still for this one. After the meditation ended my back hurt but the feeling went away.

I went to the park again today. Did 3 laps again and while I was walking I did breathing through my nose to mouth and I think this is what cause my regular meditation section to turn into a breathing meditation later on. And I also did 5+ incline pushup pushups.

I read two charter of the book and I'm almost done with it. Just  100+ pages to go.

And while I did'nt do any coding or drawing I wasted time looking for infotainment and a little entertainment. That's pretty much is what is causing to wasted time out of my day. And it's not like this is too much in total this is just 3 hours in my day 4 if you count meditation while the rest is free time.

Another thing is that I don't want this journal to talk up my time/ sleeping hours so I will have to be very careful to not waste a lot of time unless if its not my bed time. And I can't find the text sizer on the mobile version of this site and it doesn't have to many options like the PC version

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At least I did some of it

Discipline counter:2( I only did what I wanted though)

Me losing: 4 (The park lap thing is something that can't happen everyday due to resting my legs and if I don't feel like it)


Meditation experience: Started out normal than my mind was in negative music mode. The hard thing to explain is that I have music stuck in my head, and sometimes two pieces of music will combine to and it will create a negative music vibration. And it just sounds, no talking or lyrics. And the sad thing is that when I was younger I did'nt have music stuck in my head all day long. It was peaceful and in the present moment. And this lasted from 0-13? years old. The big mistake was when I decided to sleep with headphones on and listen to music throughout the night at age 14. Now the music that was stuck in my head on that day is gone at least. But I can choose to play it in my head at will. It probably won't remember all the soundtracks though. Later on I got some periods of quietness and peacefulness and than my back started hurting again, but I deal with the pain.

I did my coding and only did 20 minutes of drawing. More like coloring with my left hand just so I can train it to be like my right. And I did'nt walk to park and do 3 laps, and no reading today.

If there's anything else to say is that I was feeling anxious at around 1:45PM-2:30PM just because of the thing I wrote yesterday about writing "I fail" if I did'nt complete the day tasks.  

And another thing is that the day went way to fast. Why does my day has to go fast, it feels like there not enough time to do what I want to do. The negative music vibrations could explain why I did'nt want to do any learning today. And I don't listen to negative music. The sounds combine and than sound negative for some reason I can't explain. Sometimes there's good soundtracks in my head and those I am fine with. But I want to experience reality the way I did when I was younger and include anything I learn from meditation and personal development.

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                                          What happen yesterday and today

6.25.2016 & 6.26.2016

Discipline counter:2(could't even sleep that fast and still wake up feelin rested)

Me losing:5 Nooooo... I fail (but that's because of the sleeping thing and how I wasted time later in the day.)

Yesterday I was doing a challenge to get up early at 5:50am in the morning. The problem was that if I try to sleep early (10:30pm) it's going to take 30 minutes to 2 hours for my eyes to get tired to actually sleep. I can't sleep at 10:30pm and only get 6 hours of sleep because my eyes couldn't sleep at 10:30pm. Now I did woke up at 5:50am but went back to sleep and woke up at 8:00am just so my eyes can get enough rest. What I did was try to stay up later just reading on my tablet on bed but that has blue light, so I downloaded a app that turns the screen to a orange to redish color to help with your eyes to sleep.App:twilight. This is what is inspirednme to do this: That's the reason I didn't write anything yesterday. Not wanting blue light to ruin my sleep.

Meditation yesterday: I only did 20 minutes of do-nothing meditation it felt like nothing and quick. Meditation today: 54 minutes of do-nothing meditation with eyes closed. In the beginning I did a sneeze, so that ruin the stillness for a little while. Much later on, my saliva was picking up and I just hold it in, later on my mom enter in my room and that's when the meditation ended.(some accident happen when someone drop a piece of glass outside my room and mom was just checking to see if glass enter in my room.)

Other than that I did no coding or drawing or reading(how to be a straight a student.) I throw away more school papers and finish a video game, very close to finishing it. No walking to the park because it was raining in the afternoon but then the rain stop 5 hours later.

Since I am writing this on a tablet, there is no text sizer, text color or even spacing to the left, center or right on here.

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                                                  Beach vacation 


I went to the beach today.

Meditation : very wavy due to me playing in the water and relaxing on the sand. Later on I heard this quiet sound that sounded like my alarm. I knew that it wasn't my real alarm, but I just had to open my eyes and see the alarm and realized that I got fool again. If there anything to learn from this is that the real alarm is much more louder than what I was hearing. Another thing is that sometimes I hear sounds, when quite a lot of time have pass when I am meditating. Usually I will hear birds or the alarm sound. This only happens  rarely, so I don't know what it is. 

The discipline counter is suspended today because of the beach.

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                                                     Starting Over

This week just started out bad. Only 20 minutes of meditation on sunday, 40+ minutes on Monday due to me getting fooled, and only 10 minutes today because of how late it was. The meditation was quick with my body moving. 

I am now going to make myself tired and see if I can sleep well.

Oh, yeah: No more discipline counter. I will be replacing that with something else tommorow. 

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Fresh start


Streak counter:1 (if I don't stay on task than this counter goes back to zero.)  Goal:5 in a row.

I actually did what I wanted today! (meditation, 5 push ups, coding, drawing, and watching videos related to careers and other things.)

I did my tasks later in the day and did my meditation early(6:00pm-7:00).

The meditation had background noise in the beginning(people talking) and later on I actually felt sleepy because of how early I woke up. I think it was around 7:something.


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